Ở chó gen A quy định chó lông vàng trội hơn gen a quy định, cho lông trắng, cho lông chó vàng dị hợp lại với nhau? a) Xác định kết quả lai F1, viết sơ đồ lai? b) Chó lông vàng chiếm tỉ lệ bao nhiêu phần trăm? Mình cần gấp (ai trả lời hết cho 5 sao nha (^^)

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Giải thích các bước giải:

Quy ước gen : chó lông ngắn: A

chó lông dài : a

để sinh con ra hoàn toàn là lông ngắn thì kiểu gen của bố hoặc mẹ sẽ là trội ( AA ) vậy ta có

P: AA x aa ( hoặc ngược lại )

G: A a

F1: Aa ( 100% lông ngắn )

Câu hỏi trong lớp Xem thêm

1. If I were you, I __________ for a new car to buy. A. would look B. will look C. look D. looking 2. If Trang __________ ill, she would go out with us. A. isn’t B. aren’t C. wasn’t D. not been 3. If there __________ fewer cars on the road, there would be less accident. A. is B. were C. are D. be 4. If people really cared about environment, they __________ waste into rivers. A. didn’t dump B. don’t dump C. shan’t dump D. wouldn’t dump 5. You __________ so tired if you went to bed earlier. A. won’t be B. shan’t be C. couldn’t be D. wouldn’t be 6. If you really __________ me, you would buy me a diamond ring. A. loved B. love C. loves D. loving 7. If I knew where she lived, I __________ and see her. A. will go B. would go C. should go D. went 8. If I __________ taller, I would buy this dress. A. am B. are C. were D. being 9. Filters do not remove all __________ from water. A. contaminate B. contaminants C. contaminating D. contamination 10. __________ is found under the ground in soil, rocks, etc. A. sea water B. salt water C. groundwater D. hot water 11. If I won a lottery, I __________ a lot on charity. A. spend B. spent C. will spend D. would spend 12. If the supermarket is open, I __________ some food there. A. will buy B. would buy C. bought D. has bought 13. I will talk to her if you __________ to do it. A. won’t want B. didn’t want C. don’t want D. doesn’t want 14. If I __________ more money, I would buy a better car. A. have B. had C. will have D. would have 15. The farmer had put down some rat __________. A. poisoning B. poisoner C. poisoned D. poison

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