Điền vào chỗ trống giúp em nha ạ,huhu em cần gấp trim, tracks, recording, clip When you are _______________ (a) a podcast it is always better to record different segments on different _______________ (b). This way if one segment is bad you do not have to delete the whole podcast. If your audio _________ (c) has too much silence or noise at the beginning or the end you can ____________ (d) it so the podcast sounds better.

2 câu trả lời

When you are recording (a) a podcast it is always better to record different segments on different clip (b). This way if one segment is bad you do not have to delete the whole podcast. If your audio tracks (c) has too much silence or noise at the beginning or the end you can trim (d) it so the podcast sounds better.


Điền vào chỗ trống giúp em nha ạ,huhu em cần gấp

When you are ______recording______ (a) a podcast it is always better to record different segments on different _______clip________ (b). This way if one segment is bad you do not have to delete the whole podcast. If your audio ____tracks_____ (c) has too much silence or noise at the beginning or the end you can _____trim_______ (d) it so the podcast sounds better.

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