Câu 51 ( điểm) Julie/ not/ use/ study Portuguese/ night when she/ student. A. Julie didn’t use to study Portuguese at night when she was a student. B. Julie usedn’t to study Portuguese at night when she was a student. C. Julie doesn’t use studying Portuguese in night when she was a student. D. Julie wasn’t using to be study Portuguese by night when she is a student. A B C D Câu 52 ( điểm) We/ keep/ left when you/ be/ UK. A. We must keep on the left when you are in UK. B. We must to keep to the left when you were in UK. C. We must keep to the left when you are in UK. D. We must keep in left when you are in UK. A B C D Câu 53 ( điểm) Mai use/ cycle/ school when she was/ grade 6. A. Mai was used to cycle to school when she was at grade 6. B. Mai use to cycle in school when she was in grade 6. C. Mai used to cycle to school when she was in grade 6. D. Mai used cycling to school when she was on grade 6. A B C D Câu 54 ( điểm) You must/ obey/ traffic rules/ your safety. A. You must obey to traffic rules for your safety. B. You must obey traffic rules for your safety. C. You must obey traffic rules to your safety. D. You must obey traffic rules for your safe. A B C D

1 câu trả lời

`51.` `A` Julie didn’t use to study Portuguese at night when she was a student.

`=>` Cấu trúc của câu: S + did ( not ) + use to + Vo + O

`52.` `C` We must keep to the left when you are in UK.

`=>` Cấu trúc: S + must + V + O

`=>` must + Vo ( động từ nguyên mẫu )

`53.` `C` Mai used to cycle to school when she was in grade 6.

`=>` cấu trúc của câu: S + used to + Vo + O

`54.` `B` You must obey traffic rules for your safety.

`=>` Cấu trúc: S + must + Vo + O

`=>` must + Vo ( động từ nguyên mẫu )

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