Câu 41 ( điểm) David Beckham played for Manchester United. A. David Beckham used to play for Manchester United. B. David Beckham went to play for Manchester United. C. David Beckham is used to play for Manchester United when he lived here. D. David Beckham is usual to play for Manchester United. A B C D Câu 42 ( điểm) There was a police station here, but now it is a shopping center. A. It was used to be a police station here, but now it is a shopping center. B. Although now it is a shopping center, there had a police station here. C. There used to be a police station here, but now it is a shopping center. D. There is got to be a police station here, but now there is a shopping center. A B C D Câu 43 ( điểm) I use/ ride/ bicycle/ school when I be/ student. A. I used to ride my bicycle to school when I was a student. B. I use to ride my bicycle to school when I am student C. I was used to riding my bicycle to school when I am a student. D. I use riding my bicycle for school when I was a student. A B C D Câu 44 ( điểm) We/ use/ go/ same little café/ lunch every day when I worked/ this company. A. We use to go the same little café for lunch every day when I worked for this company B. We used to going for the same little café for lunch every day when I worked for this company. C. We were used to going to same little café for lunch every day when I work for this company. D. We used to go to the same little café for lunch every day when I worked for this company. A B C D Câu 45 ( điểm) She use/ love/ play badminton/ she/ hurt her shoulder. A. She was used to love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder. B. She used to love play badminton before she hurted her shoulder. C. She used to love playing badminton before she hurt her shoulder. D. She used to loving playing badminton before she hurts her shoulder. A B C D

1 câu trả lời

41. David Beckham is used to play for Manchester United when he lived here.

`->` Cấu trúc used to V dùng để nói rằng nhân vật đã quen với vc làm gì.

42. There used to be a police station here, but now it is a shopping center.

`->` Cấu trúc used to V dùng để nói về 1 hành động đã từng làm trong quá khứ nhưng không làm nữa ở hiện tại.

43. I used to ride my bicycle to school when I was a student.

`->` Cấu trúc used to V dùng để nói về 1 hành động đã từng làm trong quá khứ nhưng không làm nữa ở hiện tại.

44. We used to go to the same little café for lunch every day when I worked for this company.

`->` Cấu trúc used to V dùng để nói về 1 hành động đã từng làm trong quá khứ nhưng không làm nữa ở hiện tại.

45. She used to love play badminton before she hurted her shoulder.

`->` Cấu trúc used to V dùng để nói về 1 hành động đã từng làm trong quá khứ nhưng không làm nữa ở hiện tại.

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