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In 1998, a British scientist named Kevin Warwick did an experiment. He inserted a small microchip into his left arm. He used the microchip to turn on lights, work with his computer, and even start the water for his bath. After only nine days, Warwick removed the microchip from his arm. Nine days is not a long time, but it was enough to give the world a very important message. It is possible to have a microchip in your body. Many people think that someday, we all will have microchips. There are all kinds of things that a microchip could do. It could be useful for simple, everyday things. You might not have to carry keys, because you could use your microchip to open the front door of your house. You might not need cash, because you could use your microchip to buy things. A microchip might be able to do more important things. For example, a microchip could contain all of your important health information. If you had an emergency and went to hospital, doctors could read your microchip and learn all of your health history. Some scientists even believe that someday a microchip could help cure diseases. Many people dislike the idea of a microchip in their body. They have a lot of concerns. Is it safe? Could a microchip make you sick? Besides, would other people be able to read your microchip and steal your personal information? People are especially worried about personal freedom. This is probably the biggest reason why so many people are against these microchips. What if your government could use your microchip to watch you? What if your government could use your microchip to find your location? Do you want the government to have that information about you? Again, for most people the answer is “no”. Nobody has microchips in their body yet. We don’t know if this will ever happen. If we ever do have microchips, we don’t know what they would look like or what they would do. What do you think? Would you like to have a microchip inserted into your body? Question 36: What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The disadvantage of using microchips B. The microchip in the body C. The advantage of using microchips D. Why people hate using microchips Question 37: The word “message” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______. A. piece of information B. understanding C. idea D. warning Question 38: What can be inferred from the experiment done by Kevin Warwick in 1998? A. It is not impossible for a microchip to stay inside your body. B. It helped doctors avoid ordinary diseases. C. Kevin Warwick suffered a lot during the time of his experiment D. His experiment gained great support from the public all over the world Question 39: The word “cure” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to A. protect B. exacerbate C. aggravate D. treat Question 40: The word “It” in paragraph 4 refers to ______ A. reading a microchip B. experiment C. using a microchip D. inserting a microchip Question 41: Which statement is true? A. We know what these microchips would look like B. Kevin Warwick put the microchip in his right arm C. Everybody wants these microchips in their bodies D. Kevin Warwick put the microchip in his arm in 1998 Question 42: All of the following are concerns about the idea of inserting a microchip into a human body EXCEPT that ______. A. you may become unconscious and someone steals your personal information B. it may help doctors know your blood group C. it may help other people follow you D. it may affect your freedom and personal life

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Many explanations are given for the fact that men die earlier than women. Men are stronger physically, yet women can hang on longer to life. Both men and women are emotional creatures but women are not afraid or ashamed to cry while men refuse to do so. They are afraid of being thought “soft”. Some men, when they are upset, play loud music or dig in the garden to relieve their feelings. Many men like an orderly life so that they bury themselves in their work or want a wife with some children or long to take part in wars where there is a definite chain of command. There is a leader to give Orders and a known enemy to fight against and defeat. All these men feel they live in a rational world. So the majority of men like a rational world. Rationality is fine but it does not include everything that makes life joyful and fun or even messy and frustrating. When a man refuses to cry he is refusing to accept that his emotions are part of him. Of course some men do not follow this pattern. Bob Hawke is capable of crying in public whereas Margaret Thatcher is probably incapable of crying at any time. We need to cry because that shows our ability to suffer. If we do not suffer we are not really alive at all. Suffering can be creative or destructive. If we can all learn to cry and laugh and shout and dance openly, we are living creatively and adding something to the human race. We often say men suffer more from stress and therefore they die earlier. Are we not saying in another way that they do not know how to suffer in the right way – with tears and laughter instead of silence – and so they are miserable and just give up? Question 31: What question does the passage discuss? A. Why men like a rational world B. Why women are more emotional than men C. Why suffering is different in men and women D. Why men die earlier than women Question 32: The word “die” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______. A. pass on B. pass out C. pass away D. pass over Question 33: According to the passage, which of the following is true? A. Men find it easy to cry B. Women are weaker than men C. Men want to be stronger than women D. Both women and men have feelings. Question 34: The word “do” in paragraph 1 refers to ______ A. be afraid C. be ashamed B. cry D. Hang on longer to life Question 35: According to the writer, which of the following is true about crying? A. It’s a way to relieve feelings B. It’s a sign of being too emotional C. It’s a sign of weakness D. It’s a sign of suffering

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American music, in most of its various forms, can be traced back to the music of the earliest African- Americans. Even though these Americans came here under the worst of circumstances, they still brought with them traditions, and developed new traditions of their own, that have grown into what is recognized around the world today as American music. Musicians, like other artists, are usually quick to give credit where credit is due. Just as a writer quotes his sources, a musician credits those musicians who inspired him. In the case of the early African - Americans that is not always easy. Many of the slaves who brought musical traditions from Africa will never be known by name. No one wrote their history. Many of the slaves who sang work songs in the fields will never be known by name No one wrote their history either. However, there is a lot that we do know. The first well-recognized form of African-American music was spirituals. Spirituals are religious songs They are songs that tell a story or express emotions. Spirituals have a strong rhythm. They are often sung by a group, sometimes with a leader who sings a line or two alone and a chorus that sings the refrain. Spirituals originated in the Southern United States. Spirituals sung by slaves often expressed the hope for freedom that was so important in their lives. Well know spirituals include "Go Down Moses," "Deep River, " and "Swing Low Sweet Chariot." After slavery ended, spirituals began to spread to other parts of the United States. Harry Thacker Burleigh was one of the first singers to perform spirituals on stage in a concert. Marian Anderson, well known for her classical singing, helped spirituals to gain a wider audience too. Spirituals influenced the development of another well-known form of American music - the blues. The blues were a more individual style of music than spirituals. Blues were often sung solo, and sometimes they were accompanied by guitar music. As the name suggests, the blues were often about sadness and facing troubles. However, the blues could also be funny, positive, and even defiant. One blues singer, loved for her strong, beautiful voice, was Bessie Smith. Another early blues musician was w. C. Handy. Handy was not only a musician, he also wrote music, promoted concerts, and published blues songs. During the time that the blues were spreading across the country, another style of music was also quickly gaining in popularity. Ragtime was energetic music with a complicated, syncopated beat. Often played on the piano, ragtime was the latest and most sophisticated in American popular music. The best-known ragtime musician was probably Scott Joplin, who wrote many hit ragtime pieces for the piano including "Maple Leaf Rag. ” Eventually, elements from all of these forms of music and more came back together. In their own kind of melting pot, African rhythms, slave work songs, spirituals, blues, ragtime, and other influences recombined to form the beginnings of that truly American art form - jazz. In the late 1800’s jazz was just beginning, but not long after the turn of the century, it would be the most popular American music. It would go on from there to worldwide popularity. Jazz would branch out into many forms, and it would influence future styles of American music. Many musicians today credit earlier musicians such as Scott Joplin or Bessie Smith with inspiring their music. It’s a shame that they can’t also name the earliest African-Americans who really began the traditions that led to the American music of today. Question 38: According to the passage, who introduced the early form of American music? A. American natives B. Harry Thacker Burleigh C. slaves from Africa D. people from the South of the United States Question 39: Which type of music is often involved with piano accompaniment? A. spirituals B. ragtime C. blues D. jazz Question 40: What is NOT true when talking about blues? A. they could be amusing and optimistic B. a well-known blues musician was Scott Joplin C. they gained popularity near the time ragtime became popular D. they were a more individual style of music than spirituals Question 41: When did jazz become the most popular American music? A. sometime in the early 20th century B. when elements from other American music combined C. after the hit “Maple Leaf Rag” was written D. in the late 1800s Question 42: Scott Jopljn and Bessie Smith were . A. famous ragtime musicians B. people who really began the American musical traditions C. artists who inspired many musicians today D. songwriters who wrote blues songs Question 43: What is the closest meaning to the word “chorus” used in the passage? A. a group of singers that sing together B. the main part of a song C. an accompanying singer D. none of the above Question 44: The word “they” in the last paragraph refers to . A. today’s musicians B. Scott Joplin and Bessie Smith C. the musicians’ music D. the names of the earliest African-American singers

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Complete each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets. 1. Trinh Cong Son, a renowned Vietnamese _________ (COMPOSE), died at the age of 62, leaving a legacy of hundreds of love songs and songs of other genres. 2. Adam Levine, the lead singer of the band Maroon 5, has been very __________(SUCCESS) with his several chart-topping hits and gold and platinum albums. 3. I really enjoy watching Simon Cowell making comments as a judge on Britain's Got Talent and the X factor. He is one the most ________ (POWER) figures in British culture. 4. Jim cannot ever imagine living without music in his life. For him, music is not only an _______ (INSPIRE) but also a therapy. 5. Happy by Pharrell Williams has always been my favourite and given me good ________ (HOPEFUL) and energy. 6. Greta Gerwig became the fifth woman filmmaker to be ___________ (NOMINATE) for Best Director for Lady Bird at the 90th Academy Awards. 7. ‘Tinh Ca’ by Pham Duy is noted for its beautiful lyrics and melody that show the author's deep _______ (PATRIOT) love for the country. 8. My grandmother had always wanted to watch Khanh Ly _________ (PERFORMANCE) live once, but she could never afford to. 9. Wolfgang Mozart, a gifted Austrian composer and pianist, has been considered one of the most ______ (INFLUENCE) figures in shaping classical music with his many masterpieces of operas, concertos, symphonies and sonatas. 10. Crowds of young fans turned out onto the street to welcome the Korean _________ (SING). They were crazy about him as a phenomenon in modern music. (Giải + cấu trúc)

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1. The food price will change at the end of this month. A. The food price will be the same until the end of this month. B. The food price of this month will be equal to the one of next month. C. There will be no same food price from now till next month. D. There will be two different food prices next month. 2. All the other schools in the city are more expensive than my school. A. My school is one of the most expensive schools in the city. B. There are some more expensive schools than mine in the city. C. My school is the least expensive school in the city. D. There are some cheaper schools than my school in the city. 3. Does anyone know what this sculpture is worth today? A. Does anyone know if it is deserving to have this sculpture? B. Does anyone know whether someone should own this sculpture today? C. Does anyone know if today this sculpture is valuable or not? D. Does anyone know how much this sculpture costs today? 4. "Stop treating me that way!" she cried out. A. She warned me not to treat her that way. B. She urged me not to treat her that way. C. She begged me not to treat her that way. D. She advised me not to treat her that way. 5. She can do it because she knows the system inside out. A. She can do it because she is from inside the system. B. She can do it because the system is sometimes in and sometimes out. C. She can do it because she understands the system thoroughly. D. The confidential system enables her to do because she knows it

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Exercise 1 : Choose the best answer : 27. It is necessary ……… his father everything? A. to tell B.tell C. telling D.tobe told 28."Let’s have a break ,, Not , now . I didn’t want to stop …….yet A. study B. to study C. for studying D.studying 29. She enjoyed ……… the violin in the morning A. practising playing B. practising to play C. to practise playing D.to practise to play 30. My father is considering …. his job . A. to change B.change C. changing D.changed 31. I prefer ……. the book at home to the ……….. boring film . A. reading/ seeing B. to read/ see C. read/ seeing D. reading/ see 32. His parents wouldn’t allow him …………across the big river. A. to risk swimming B. risking to swim C. for risk to swim D. risking swimming 33. It is no use……………. what has been done. A. to regret B. regretted C. regretting D. regret 34. They looked forward very much to ………. her again A. be meeting B. have met C.meeting D. meet 35. Would you mind ………… your radio a little please ? A. turn off B. turning off C. to turn down D.turning down 36. Only one of these books is ………………… A. worth to read B.worth being read C. worth of reading D. worth reading 37. I advised him ……… too much about the result of the test A. not to worrying B.not worrying C.don’t worry D.not to worry 38. My father hates ………. He never allows me ……. A. to smoke / to smoke B. smoking/smoking C.smoke/smoke D.smoking/to smoke 39.Do you remember………….me at a party last year? A.meet B. to meet C.meeting D.met 40. Remember ………… my best regards to her when you write A.sending B.send C. sent D. to send 41. I never forget ………… the beautiful place for the first time. A. visit B. visiting C. visited D. to visit 42. Our T.V set is out of order and needs …………… A. repairing B. to be repairing C. repaired D. be repaired 44. I’m busy now . I’m sorry I can’t help ……….. the flowers A. to water B. watering C. watered D. waters 45. He likes ……………, but he doesn’t like……….. today because he doesn’t feel well A. swimming/ to swim B. to swim/ swimming C. swimming/ swimming D. to swim/ to swim 46. What I wanted was …………….as quickly as possible A. getting the work done B. to get the work doing C. getting the work doing D. to get the work done 47. It is compulsory for students in some schools ………… uniforms. A. to wear B.wear C. wearing D. worn 48. This classroom needs ……….. It’s very dirty A.clean B.cleaning C . to clean D.cleaned 49.At school , students usually take part in ……… money for charity A.raised B.to raise C.raising D.raise 50.Do you enjoy ……..cartoon? A. watching B.to watch C.watch D.watched

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II. Choose the best answer 3. He likes _________ part in sports, so he joins the football team of the school. A. take B. taking C. takes D. took 5. Children enjoy ___________ to ghost stories on Halloween night. A. telling and listening B. tell and listen C. to tell and listen D. to tell and to listen 6. They decided ___________ to Japan for their summer holiday. A. going B. to go C. go D. to going 7. His parents think it's time for him______ married. A. gets B. get C. to get D. got 10. I hope you don't mind __________ so late at night .A. telephoning B. to telephone C.telephone D.to have telephoned 11. It took three and a half hours _________ to Singapore. A. to fly B. flying C. to be flown D. fly 14. ___________is a popular sport in Europe. A. To ski B. Skiing C. Ski D. To skiing 15. There are many ways of _______ ourselves in a big city. A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoyment D. to enjoy 16. I never feel like ______early on Monday morning. A. getting up B. get up C. gets up D. to get up 22. She doesn't like going _______ in the sea in summer. A. to swim B. to be swimming C. swimming D. swim 31. I had no difficulty ______ to her English. A. listen B. to listen C. to listening D. listening a. Do you want …………… tonight? (go out) b. Would you like ………………… to the beach this afternoon? (go) c. Are you planning …………. On holiday this year? (go) d. He agreed ……………….me after I wrote him a letter. (see) e. I enjoy …………….. your leters very much. (read) f. We like ……………….here but we miss …………….to our old friends. (live/ talk) g. I’d like ……………….a job with a foreign company. (get) h. I’m going to learn ………………….. Spanish before we go to Spain for our holidays next year. (speak) i. Matthew suggested ………………….for a meal but I wanted ………………….at home. (go out/ stay) j. I don’t like ………………… violent films. (watch) k. When I was a child, I hated …………….in the dark. (sleep) l. She finished ………………….. the book but then she decided ……………….. another one. (write/start) m. We’re hoping ……………………… the house next week. (finish/ paint) n. I am hoping …………….. ………….. at the factory soon. (stop/ work) o. He’s very mean – he never offers …………………….. for anything. (pay) p. I tried …………………… sugar in my tea but I didn’y like it. (give up/ take)

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I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form : 1. My father gave up …………………………….( smoke ) three years ago. 2. Would you mind ……………………..( keep ) silent ? 3. I always try to avoid……………………………( borrow ) money from my friends. 4. I’ve put off …………………………( write ) the letter so many times. I really must do it today. 5. Sarah gave up ………………………( try ) to find a job in this country and decided………………( go ) abroad. 6. How long have you been able……………………………………………(swim), John ? 7. You must promise…………………………………………….( not / be ) late again. 8. When I saw her in that funny hat, I couldn’t help……………………………………( laugh). 9. They refused………………………………..( lend ) him the money although he needed it badly. 26. The only thing that prevented her from…………….( study ) law was a lack of time and money. 27. I am looking forward to …………………………………………… (see) you. 28. That was a very strange question…………………………………………… (ask) 29. It was very kind of you …………………………………………… (show) the way. 30. Tommy admitted (throw) ...................... the rock through the window. 31. Most people enjoy (travel) ........................... to different parts of the world. 32. May I change the TV channel, or do you want (watch) ....................... more of this programme? 33. That was a very strange question (ask) ........................... . 34. It was very kind of you (show)................................. the way. 35. It was very difficult for her (drive)............................ the motorbike. 36. I asked him (explain) ..................... but he refused (say) ..................... any thing. 37. There was no way of (get) ................ out of the building except by (climb) ............ down a rope. 38. It’s no good (write) .......................... to him; he never answers letters. 39. Ask him (come) ............................... in. 40. They denied……………………………..the money. ( steal ) 41. Can you remind me…………………………..some coffee when we go out ? ( buy ) 42. I refuse……………………………any more questions. ( answer ) 43. One of the boys admitted…………………………the window. ( break ) 44. The boy’s father promised…………………………for the window to be repaired. ( pay ) 45. Ann was having dinner when the phone rang. She didn’t answer the phone, she just carried on ……(eat)

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1. The food price will change at the end of this month. A. The food price will be the same until the end of this month. B. The food price of this month will be equal to the one of next month. C. There will be no same food price from now till next month. D. There will be two different food prices next month. 2. All the other schools in the city are more expensive than my school. A. My school is one of the most expensive schools in the city. B. There are some more expensive schools than mine in the city. C. My school is the least expensive school in the city. D. There are some cheaper schools than my school in the city. 3. Does anyone know what this sculpture is worth today? A. Does anyone know if it is deserving to have this sculpture? B. Does anyone know whether someone should own this sculpture today? C. Does anyone know if today this sculpture is valuable or not? D. Does anyone know how much this sculpture costs today? 4. "Stop treating me that way!" she cried out. A. She warned me not to treat her that way. B. She urged me not to treat her that way. C. She begged me not to treat her that way. D. She advised me not to treat her that way. 5. She can do it because she knows the system inside out. A. She can do it because she is from inside the system. B. She can do it because the system is sometimes in and sometimes out. C. She can do it because she understands the system thoroughly. D. The confidential system enables her to do because she knows it.

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Exercise 5: Put the verbs in brackets into the present tenses. (simple, continuous, perfect) I often ____________e-mail to keep in touch with my friend. (use) He ____________at the library at 7a.m every day. (work ) _______Nam and Huy often ___________swimming twice a week ? (go) The Sun _________in the east and ____________in the west. ( rise / set ) Hoa ___________the piano at the moment.( practice) What ________you ________now ? ( do ) . I ____________TV with my mother. ( watch) ________Peter ___________to Susan now? (talk) Be quiet! The baby __________in the next room. ( sleep) It ________much in summer ( rain) . It ____________now. ( rain) I _______just ________my book.( finish) He _______already _____________his lessons. ( prepare) He ___________my sister since he was very young.(love) We ___________________English for 4 years.(learn) I ________________for two hours (wait), but she ________________yet. ( not come) This is the first time I _____________________to Paris. ( be) I_______________ that film several times because I like it. ( see) I __________________that novel written by Hemingway several times before. ( read) Up to the present / So far, we _______________almost every lesson in the book. ( write) We ____________________to New York lately. (travel) I ______________________him recently (not see) __________you ever _________________Huong Pagoda? ( visit) ‘You look hot’- Yes, I _______________________ (run) Carol _________________________on the phone for two hours. ( talk) Where’s Sarah? She’s outside. She __________the gardening all this morning. ( do) My sister _______________for you since yesterday. ( look) I (have).................... coffee for breakfast every morning. The student (look up) ..............new words right now. She (go) ................ to school every day. We (do) ................ exercise thirteen right at the moment. Miss Helen (look) .................. at the newspaper now. It (rain) ....................very much in summer. It (rain)................. now. Bad students never (work) ............... hard. We seldom (eat) .................. before 6.30. He generally (sing) ................ in English, but today he (sing) ............ in French. Look at the man. He (run)..................after the train. He (want) ............... to catch it. Be quiet! The baby (sleep)....................... It (be) ............very cold now. He (never watch) ...............................that television program. I (read) ................... that novel written by Hemingway several times before. I (learn)...................English since I (be) ..................eight. My friend (have).................no trouble with his car since he (buy) ..................it. I (not finish) .......................my letter yet. How long you (know) .......................Mr. Pitt? – I (know) .......................him for ten years. I can’t go out because I (not finish) .......................my work. I (buy) .......................a new house last year, but I (not sell) .......................my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses.

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1 My mother cooks and _____ for groceries. My farther cleans the house and _____the heavy lifting. A. shop/ brings B. shops/ does C. go/ do D. go shopping/ bring 2 I think you likes _____ the house every day. A. to sweep B. to swept C. sweeping D. to sweeping 3 My sister often _____ and _____ the clothes. A. laundry/ ironing B. does a laundry/ ironing C. does the laundry/ irons D. do the laundry/ irons 4 I often do the washing___ and my brother take ____ the rubbish. A. up/ out B. up/ up C. out/out D. out/ up 5 My wife _____most of the _____ around the house. A. handle/ household B. handling/ chores C. handles/ households D. handles/ chores 6 My mother is a _____ while my mother is a _____. A. homemaking/ breadwinner B. homemaker/ breadwinning C. homemaker/ breadwinner C. homemakers/ breadwinners 7 My husband is _____for household _____. A. responsible/ finance B. responsibility/ financial C. responsibility/ finance C. responsible/ financial 8 She is _____ while her farther is _____ appliances. A. clears the home/ fixes B. cleans the home/ fixes C. cleaning the house/ fixing D. clear the house/ fixing 9 He hardly _____ and _____. A. cooking/ emptying B. cook/ empty C. do the cooking/ empty D. does the cooking/ empties 10 They are trying _____ the house. A. to tidying up B. to tidy up C. tidying up D. tidies up 11 She is _____ urgent report _____ the moment. A. works on/ in B. working at/ in C. working on/ at C. works at/ at 12 I have ___ the children ____ my husband works to earn money. A. to look up/ or B. looks after/ but C. to looking up/ so D. to look after/ and 13 Husbands who _____ make their wives happy. A. splits homework B. share housework C. shares housework D. split homework 14 Women whose husbands do not _____ the household chores are unhappy. A. contribute to/ B. contribution/ C. contribution to/ D.contribute 15 They are more _____ illness and tend _____ more about divorce. A. vulnerable with/ to think B. vulnerable to/ thinking C. vulnerable to/ to think D. vulnerable with/ thinking 16 Parent must _____ a good example for the children. A. take B. make C. set D. show 17 Mum and dad can are not critical _____ each _____. A. of/ other B. on/ another C. in/ other D. at/ another 18 I can’t find _____ to work well together _____ you. A. something/ to B. a way/ with C. ways/ to D.some way/ with 19 We hate _____ the dishes because we often break things. A. to wash B. washing C. doing D. to do 20 Both men and women have equal chances _____. A. to recreation B. to create C. for create D. for recreation 21 _____ is sharing housework and childcare evenly. A. Equal shared parenting B. Equal parenting shared C. Equally shared parenting D. Equally parenting shared 22 _____ is a way of _____ a problem. A. Solving/ solution B. Solution/ solve C. Solve/ solution D. Solution/ solving 23 Solution is a way of _____ difficult situation. A. deal to B. dealing to C. dealing with D. deal with 24 She wants to stay at home and _____ her children. A. nurture B. natural C. nature D. nurturing 25 Balance is a state where things are _____ weight and force. A. equal B. of equal C. equal to D. equal on

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1. Although they have encountered many obstacles, they have always been loyal_____their love. A. At B. On C. In D. To 2. My father took_____an interest in collecting stamps. He had a valuable stamp collection. A. On B. Up C. In D. Over 3. True friendship should be based______understanding each other and faithfulness. A. Out B. At C. On D. Over 4. The students are not allowed_____their mobile phones for their examinations. A. Take B. To take C. Taking D. Takes 5. This is the ideal place_____the school for children. A. To build B. To be built C. Building D. Builds 6. They were too surprised______any words at her party. A. To say B. saying C. Said D. Having said 7. Do you think your parents will_____you go for a picnic with us? A. Agree B. Let C. Want D. Allow 8. It's better not_______here since there are many women and old people around. A. Smoke B. To smoke C. Smoking D. Smoked 9. She usually spends one hour driving to work every day. A. She usually work one hour every day B. She does not usually drive to work. C. It usually takes her one hour to drive to work every day D. It usually takes her one hour to work on her car every day. 10. I told her______about her wedding, everything will straighten out. A. Don't worry B. Not to worry C. No worry D. Not worry 11. I made my son_______his lessons before he could go to the movies. A. Study B. To study C. Studied D. Studying 12. T started working here 3 years ago. A. I have started working here since 3 years B. I have worked here for 3 years ago C. I have started working here 3 years D. I have worked here for 3 years 13. Mr. Pike used to jog a lot A. Mr. Pike jogged a lot in the past B. Mr. Pike is accustomed to jogging a lot C. Mr. Pike never jogged in the past D. Mr. Pike jogs a lot now 14. I haven't worked in orphanages for years A. I haven't worked in orphanages for long ago B. The last time I worked in orphanages since years ago. C. I didn't work in orphanages years ago D. I last worked in orphanages years ago

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