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Use the correct form of each the word given in parentheses to fill inthe blank in each sentence. 1-Alison’s ………….(shy) made it hard for her to speak in public. 2-He had the ………..(annoy) habit of borrowing books and then forgetting to return them. 3-Remind me of my appointment.I’m ………………..(forget). 4-For one who has spent his life in town, a trip into the mountains could prove an………..(forget) experience. 5-He had been …………………(expect) delayed at the office and was now in a hurry to keep his …………….(appoint) with the dentist. 6-The old lady hid all her ……………….(save) under the floor. 7-Recently health foods have increased in…………….(popular). 8-The gas from the chemical factory was extremely………………(harm). 9-Unless something is done about unemployment, the ……..(look) for the future is not good. Complete these sentences with proper prepositions. 1-This word has a lot of meanings.You should look it……….….in a dictionary. 2-Jenny usually comes back her country…………..…Christmas Day. 3-Don’t use pencils.Please write the letter…………...ink. 4-My father made …………..his mind to settle in the South. 5-Did you pick ………….lots of English while you were in England? 6-Minh couldn’t start his motor engine.I think it ran……….….fuel. 7-A thief broke into his office last night and stole all money……..…..the safe. 8-Time is off now.Please hand …………..your papers. 9-Local students have been banned…………..taking part in the demonstration. 10-The police have charged her ……..driving without due care and attention. 11-Football fans went……….the rampage in the centre of Norwich last night. 12-The car left the road and crashed…………a tree. 13-Several guests at the hotel were robbed………..jewellery and money. 14-David, 19, has been sleeping………..a park bench for the past six months. 15-They are hardly ever completely satisfied………..a performance Finish each of the following sentences in such way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the sentence printed before it. 1-The house was so badly damaged in the fire that it couldn’t be prepaired. The house was too…………………………………………………………………………. 2-He told me my request was unreasonable. He said “ You can hardly………………………………………………………………….” 3-You won’t reach the station in less than twenty minutes. It will take………………………………………………………………………………….. 4-I took my car to the garage last Saturday and they resprayed it. I had……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5-Although Christopher was the stronger of the two , his attacker soon overpowered him. Despite his………………………………………………………………………………… 6-It was only when I left home that I realized how much my father meant to me. Not until…………………………………………………………………………………… 7-The only reason the party was a success was that a famous film star attended. Had it not…………………………………………………………………………………. 8-The critics were very impressed by her performance. Her performance made…………………………………………………………………… 9-The manager wrote a long ungrammatical report. The report…………………………………………………………………………………. 10-If Cathy hadn’t been so mean, we’d have had a really good time. But………………………………………………………………………………………… CẦN RẤT GẤP Ạ, SÁNG MAI NỘP RỒI , HỨA VOTE VÀ CẢM ƠN ĐẦY ĐỦ Ạ

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I. Choose the best answer : 1. My home village is ………….. 40 kilometers north of the capital. a. held b. laid c. located d. surrounded 2. There is a large ……………….. of animals that live in Nairobi National Parks. a. vary b. various c. varied d. variety 3. One species is dependent …………….. another for survival. a. to b. on c. of d. at 4. There are toxic levels of ………….. in the water of this lake. a. chemists b. chemistry c. chemicals d. chemics 5. Tram Chim national park is created to ……. several rare birds, especially the Sarus Crane. a. protect b. train c. hunt d. trade 6. The ……………….. has threatened many of the animals in this park. a. population b. remain c. increase d. contamination 7. We can go the National Park to learn about the different ………….. of animals and plants. a. species b. types c. means d. sorts 8. Our aim is to ...................... better relationship with the other nations. a. produce b. conduct c. establish d. become 9. Everglade National Park is a sub- tropical wilderness in the southeastern United States. a. tropical b. sub - tropical c. temperate d. frigid 10. …………………. means a state of continuing to live or exist. a. park b. survival c. zone d. contamination 11. Cuc Phuong National Park is ……… 160 km South West of Ha Noi. a. lied b. established c. abandoned d. located 12. Nearly 1,000 of the world's bird species are …………… with extinction. a. threatened b. endangered c. protected d. abandoned 13. Tourists go to Cuc Phuong National Park to look …………. the 1,000-year-old tree. a. to b. on c. of d. at 14. If you …………….. us about the bad service, we'd have eaten there. a. didn't tell b. wouldn't have told c. hadn't told d. had told 15. If Alan had come sooner, he ……..…. dinner with us. a. could have eaten b. would being eaten c. was eating d. could eat 16. Mary ……………. a new car if she had had enough money. a. had bought b. would have bought c. would have buyed d. would buy 17. If I ………………… her address, I would have sent her a present. a. had know b. would have known c. had knew d. had known 18. I would have watched the football match on TV if I ……………….. at home last night. a. had stayed b. stayed c. stays d. would have stayed II. Complete the sentences : 1. If the weather (be) ………nice, they would have played football. 2. If we had gone to a good restaurant, we ( have) ………a better dinner. 3. John would have written a good report if he ( learn)…… more words. 4. If the boys (take) ……… the bus to school, they would have arrived on time. 5. If the teacher had explained the homework, I (do)………it. 6. They would have arrested the burglar if the police (come) ……… earlier. 7. If they had waited for another 10 minutes, they (see) ………the pop star. 8. If you (buy) ………fresh green vegetable, your salad would have tasted better. III. Rewrite the sentences : 1. You didn’t play for us, so we didn’t win If ..................................................................... ........................................................................................... 2. She didn’t write more carefully. She made too many mistakes. If .............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................... 3. The fishermen didn’t have good notes, so they didn’t catch a lot of fish. If................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... 4. She didn’t learn hard, so she got bad mark. If ………………………………………….. 5. She ate four cream cakes. She felt sick. If …………………………………………..

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I. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. 1. I find his handwriting very hard to read. I have …………………………………………………………………..………………………..……… 2. He got down to writing a letter as soon as he returned from his work. No sooner ………………………………………………………………………………………….….. 3. Success depends on your hard work. The harder …………………………………………………………………………………………..… 4. “If I were you, I wouldn’t accept his marriage proposal”, said Nam to Lan. Nam …………………………………………………………………………………………….……… 5. No matter how hard I tried, I could not open the window. Try ……………………………………………………………………………………..……………..…. II. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the given word. Do not change the given word. 1. The fridge is completely empty. ……………………………………………………………………….………………………………..….. LEFT 2. It is pointless to have that old typewriter repaired. ……………………………………………………………………….……………………………..…….. WORTH 3. Frank never pays any attention to my advice. ……………………………………………………………………….……………………………….….. NOTICE 4. John only understood very little of what the teacher said. ……………………………………………………………………….……………………………..…….. HARDLY 5. Her ability to run a company really impresses me. ……………………………………………………………………….…………………………….…….. IMPRESSED

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Read the passage carefully, then answer the following questions Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right, but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Unfortunately, at the current time, 1 in 5 women and girls between the ages of 15-49 have reported experiencing physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner within a 12-month period and 49 countries currently have no laws protecting women from domestic violence. Progress is occurring regarding harmful practices such as child marriage and FGM (Female Genital Mutilation), which has declined by 30% in the past decade, but there is still much work to be done to complete eliminate such practices. Providing women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large. Implementing new legal frameworks regarding female equality in the workplace and the eradication of harmful practices targeted at women is crucial to ending the gender-based discrimination prevalent in many countries around the world. 29. What is the main idea of the paragraph? A. Gender equality ensures a peaceful world. B. It’s not important to protect girls. C. Discrimination is prevalent in many countries. D. Women should be protected from violence. 30. What is the SYNONYM of the word “unfortunately" in line 2? A. Ritually B. Unluckily C. Violently D. Unhappily 31. How many countries currently have no laws protecting women from domestic violence? A. 47 B. 48 C. 49 D. 50 32. What action will fuel sustainable economies and benefit societies and humanity at large? A. Providing women and girls with equal access to education B. Supplying healthcare and job C. Enabling representation in political and economic issues D. All are correct 33. Which one is NOT true according to the second paragraph? A. Women need to have equal right to men B. New legal frame work on gender equality should be implemented C. Women have no contribution in economy D. Domestic violence should come to an end

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Read the passage below and decide whether the statements are TRUE or FALSE? Many environmental problems seem so big that only governments, local authorities or big companies can deal with them. One example is global warming. We need government action to reduce emissions from coal and oil burning power stations and to develop safer sources of power. These require tough regulations and huge investment. The loss of forests and other habitat is another problem. How can we as individuals stop the destruction of the Amazon or Indonesian rain forests? Yet another example is waste. When people live in cities, they may not be able store or recycle waste, so huge landfills or incinerators are needed. However, as consumers, we are the ones responsible for all these problems. First of all, we all need to consume less power. We need to turn off lights, replace inefficient bulbs with low-power ones, and not leave equipment on standby. Secondly, we need to control our surging populations. Each of us can make a decision regarding family size. This has a huge impact on the size of our cities and the need for food and more agricultural land. In addition, we need to consider eating less meat and more vegetables and fruit, in order to reduce the amount of land needed for meat. Generally, the main step we need to take is to live more simply. We need to reduce our consumption, recycle, and reuse. Question 1: The government’s role is to reduce emissions and develop safer sources of energy. A. True B. False Question 2: When people live in cities, they may be able store or recycle waste. A. True B. False Question 3: We have no responsibility for the problem. A. True B. False Question 4: Turning off lights and equipment, and using low power bulbs helps to save electricity. A. True B. False Question 5: Family size is natural and we can do nothing about it. A. True B. False

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1Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Education helps women win equality First, education gives women knowledge necessary for their life. It is impossible for a woman to be a doctor, a teacher or a lawyer without adequate knowledge. Education realizes women’s dreams of having jobs with the same pay as men.Second, education shapes women’s character. It teaches them about life and develops their abilities to think, analyse and judge. Women with strong characters often make decisions for their own lives without being dependent on their husbands. Finally, education improves women’s position both at home and in society. Educated women are likely to get well-paid jobs, earn much money and become more important at home. They can join political activities and gain important positions of leaders, policy makers or politicians. Obviously, education enables women to achieve equality. *** Which of the followings is the best title for the passage? A.Education brings women high salaries B.Education shapes women’s character C.Education realizes women’s dreams D.Education brings women equality 2Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Education helps women win equality. First, education gives women knowledge necessary for their life. It is impossible for a woman to be a doctor, a teacher or a lawyer without adequate knowledge. Education realizes women’s dreams of having jobs with the same pay as men. Second, education shapes women’s character. It teaches them about life and develops their abilities to think, analyse and judge. Women with strong characters often make decisions for their own lives without being dependent on their husbands.Finally, education improves women’s position both at home and in society. Educated women are likely to get well-paid jobs, earn much money and become more important at home. They can join political activities and gain important positions of leaders, policy makers or politicians.Obviously, education enables women to achieve equality. *** Women with strong characters often __________. A.have well-paid jobs B.make decisions for their own lives independently C.improve their position D.gain important positions of leaders, politicians 3Read the following passage and choose the best answer A, B, C or D. Education helps women win equality First, education gives women knowledge necessary for their life. It is impossible for a woman to be a doctor, a teacher or a lawyer without adequate knowledge. Education realizes women’s dreams of having jobs with the same pay as men.Second, education shapes women’s character. It teaches them about life and develops their abilities to think, analyse and judge. Women with strong characters often make decisions for their own lives without being dependent on their husbands.Finally, education improves women’s position both at home and in society. Educated women are likely to get well-paid jobs, earn much money and become more important at home. They can join political activities and gain important positions of leaders, policy makers or politicians.Obviously, education enables women to achieve equality. *** Find the word from the passage that means a person whose job is to give legal advice and assistance. A.doctor B.teacher C.lawyer D.leader

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man among the guests is a basketball player. The tallest Taller The taller Tallest Actually, today I feel _________than I did yesterday. bad worse worst the worst This is _________ film I have ever seen. good best better the best We are late because we got stuck in _________ traffic jam. an the a no article There isn’t _________ airport near where I live. _________nearest airport is 70 miles away. an - A an - The the - A the - The What time _________ on television? is the news are the news is news are news I lay down on __________ ground and looked up at _________ sky a - a a - the the - a the - the Choose the word or phrase that needs correction: ***I visited Mexico and United States last year. visited Mexico United States last year Choose the word or phrase that needs correction: *** China has a larger population as most other major industrial countries. other has countries as Choose the word or phrase that needs correction: ***Both Jim and Jack are my friends, but I like Jack best. but and both best Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. occasion ancestor hockey originate Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. bridegroom assignment reliance delicious Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. underground usually curious refuse Indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation. ancestor complicated reception decide Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. sacrifice nonetheless attitude probably

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British people drink more than 160 million cups of tea every day, so Britain is a _________ nation. tea-drink tea-drinking drinking tea tea-drunk Of the two students, Sarah is the ______ . most intelligent more intelligent intelligent most intelligently No school is allowed ______ against any student on the ground of genders, races or languages. discriminate to discriminate discrimination discriminator Peter: “ _______” ~ Jack : “Oh, it’s great!” Why don’t you like the music of the film? Would you like the music of the film? What do you like the music of the film? What do you think of the music of the film? ______ is a greater interest in someone or something than someone or something. limitation preference loneliness inequality There is a wedding _______ for all guests after the wedding ceremony. proposal engagement reception marriage The problem of _______ in working time should be addressed. equal unequal equality inequality Scientists collected soil samples from the moon for ________ study. farther farer further A & C are correct You ________ go ahead. Don’t you see the red traffic light? may not will not must not should not The American considers success as ending their career in a higher and more________ position than when they began it. famous practical dependent prosperous The diagram shows it is _________ in summer than in winter in the northern hemisphere. so hot hot hotter the hottest Which is _________, Lake Michigan or Lake Superior? deeper the deepest deepest deep She is far _________ than she used to be. self-confidenter more self-confident self-confident most self-confident

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1. –“How do you do?” –“______________.” A. How do you do? B. Not too bad. C. I’m well. Thank you. D. Yeah, OK. 2. –“Do you think you’ll get the job? –“____________.” A. Yes, that’s right B. I think not C. I know so D. Well, I hope so 3. –“Happy Christmas!” –“____________.” A. The same to you! B. Happy Christmas with you! C. You are the same! D. Same for you! 4. –“Thank you very much for a lovely party.” –“______________.” A. Cheers B. Thanks C. Have a good day D. You are welcome 5. –“Would you like something to eat?” –“______________. I’m not hungry now.” A. Yes, I would B. No, no problem C. No, thanks D. Yes, it is 6. –“Thanks for the lovely evening.” –“_____________.” A. Yes, it’s really great B. No, it’s not good C. Oh, that’s right D. I’m glad you enjoyed it 7. –“How far is it from here to the nearest post office?” –“_____________.” A. Turn left and then turn right B. Two kilometers at least C. No, it’s rather far D. Yes, it’s quite near here 8. –“What ____________ this weekend?” –“Oh, we’re going windsurfing. It’s fantastic!” A. would you do B. are you going C. do you go D. are you doing 9. –“Could you bring me some water?” –“________________.” A. Certainly, sir B. No, I can’t C. Yes, I can D. I don’t want to 10. –“______________?” –“He’s tall and thin with blue eyes.” A. What does John look like B. Who does John look like

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Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc 1. I thanked her for everything she (do)____________for me. 2. Alan ___________hardly _____________(prepare) for dinner when her husband went home 3. Dan_______________two tablets this year. (already/ buy) 4. How many games_____________your team ____________ so far this season? (win) 5. ____________ you __________your homework yet? (do) 6. I_____________Peter since I arrived last Tuesday. (not/ see) 7. They went home after they (finish) ___________________their work. 8. She said that she (already, see) __________________Dr. Rice. 9. After Peter (take)_______________ a bath, he went to bed. 10. He told me he (not/eat) ________________such kind of food before. 11. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/ begin) _________________. 12. Before she watched TV, she (do)_________________ homework. 13. After they (go)_______________, I sat down and rested. 14. Yesterday, John (go) _____________to the store before he went home. 15. No sooner ___________I (watch)____________ TV than the phone rang. 16. Before I watched TV, I (do) ________________my homework. 17. After I (wash)______________ my clothes, I went to sleep. 18. It is the first time I ______________ (eat) sushi 19. She didn’t notice that she (never see) ______________that film before. 20. I suddenly remember that I __________________ (forget) my keys. Exercise 2: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc A. PRESENT CONTINUOUS: 1. Hannah __________________ (not study) French in the library. She________ (be) at home with her classmates. 2. My kids (be)____________downstairs now. They (play)_____________chess. 3. While I (do)____________my homework, my sister (read) __________ newspapers. 4. She normally ____________ (live) in Northbridge but she _________________ (stay) with friends at the moment. 5. What sort of clothes _______ teenagers ________ (wear) nowadays? What sort of music _______ they __________( listen) to? 6. Paul and Sally___________ (have) had an argument they __________________ (speak) to each other. 7. You ____________ (make) a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I _____________ (try) to concentrate. 8. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She__________ (have) a great time and ___________( not, want )to come back. 9. Tommy (clean) _______ his house and his father (repair) _______ their old car at the moment. 10. I (read) _________ this book but my sister (not read) __________ now.

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GIÚP E VS Ạ UNIT 11 1. Cuc Phuong National Park is ________________ 160 km South West of Hanoi. (location) 2. It is the first of Vietnam's nine national parks to be established and it ________________ over 200 square km of rainforest. ( contain ) 3. Nairobi National Park is Kenya's smallest park, but you may be ________________ at the large variety of animals that live there. (surprising) 4. An interesting feature of this park is the Orphanage where lots of orphaned or ________________ animals are taken care of. (abandon) 5. This ________________ has threatened the park and many of the animals in it. (contaminate) 6. This contamination has _______________ the park and many of the animals in it. (threat) 7. What do you think will happen to the park if more chemicals are ________________ into the water? (releasing) 8. Visitors, especially children, can go there to learn how to recognize the ________________species of animals and plants. (difference) 9. This national park is special because it has plants and animals from both ________________ and temperate zones. (tropically) 10. His father was working ________________ at national park (industrious) 11. Inflation figures have fluctuated _______ between 0.2% and 25% (wild) 12. For a goalkeeper, it's a great _______ to have big hands. (advantageous) 13. She first rose to _______ as a singer at the age of 16. (famous) 14. Such data will prove _______ for researchers (valued) 15. Dolphins are a _______ species (protectively) II. TENSES Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc 1. I thanked her for everything she (do)____________for me. 2. Alan ___________hardly _____________(prepare) for dinner when her husband went home 3. Dan_______________two tablets this year. (already/ buy) 4. How many games_____________your team ____________ so far this season? (win) 5. ____________ you __________your homework yet? (do) 6. I_____________Peter since I arrived last Tuesday. (not/ see) 7. They went home after they (finish) ___________________their work. 8. She said that she (already, see) __________________Dr. Rice. 9. After Peter (take)_______________ a bath, he went to bed. 10. He told me he (not/eat) ________________such kind of food before. 11. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/ begin) _________________. 12. Before she watched TV, she (do)_________________ homework. 13. After they (go)_______________, I sat down and rested. 14. Yesterday, John (go) _____________to the store before he went home. 15. No sooner ___________I (watch)____________ TV than the phone rang. 16. Before I watched TV, I (do) ________________my homework. 17. After I (wash)______________ my clothes, I went to sleep. 18. It is the first time I ______________ (eat) sushi 19. She didn’t notice that she (never see) ______________that film before. 20. I suddenly remember that I __________________ (forget) my keys

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Use the word in capitals at the end of these sentences to form a word that fits in the blank space. 1.How much does ............... of this club cost? (MEMBER) 2.She is extremely ............... about the history of art. (KNOW) 3.Traveling in big cities is becoming more and more ............... every day. (TROUBLE) 4.He is completely ...............! Not only is he lazy but he is dishonest too. (EMPLOY) 5.His boss told him off because he had behaved ............... (RESPONSIIBLE) 6.He won the discus event at the Olympic Games but was later ............... when a medical check proved that he had been taking drugs. (QUALIFY) 7.Women who are slimming can never enjoy a meal without being afraid of ............... their diet. (ORGANISE) 8.The trouble with Mr. Brown is that he’s so ............... One minute he goes mad when you come late; the next he says nothing. You never know where you are! (CONSIST) 9.It is forbidden to hunt for that kind of bird. It has been listed as one of the ............... species (DANGER) 10.I didn’t know who it was – with a mask on she was completely ............... (RECONGNISE) Read the following text and then fill in each gap with ONE suitable word. I was reading an article last week in (1)..................... the writer described (2) ..................... her children has changed as they (3)..................... up. When they were small she had to (4)..................... up with noisy games in the house, or join in interminable games of football in the garden which (5)..................... her out. If the house went quiet, she wondered what the monsters were getting up to, or what crisis she would have to (6)..................... with next. She dreaded the fact that they might (7)..................... after her husband, who admitted having (8)..................... an uncontrollable child who (9)..................... most of the time showing off to his friends by breaking things or getting into fights. What was worse was that (10)..................... else thought he was a sweet child, and he got away with the most terrible things! However, she had experienced an even greater shocked with her children. They had (11)..................... out of all their naughty behavior, and (12)..................... up serious hobbies (13)..................... as chess and playing the piano. They never did anything without (14)..................... it over first, and coming to a serious decision. She had to face up to the fact that they made her feel rather childish as they got (15)....................., and that in some ways she preferred them when they were young and noisy.

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GIÚP E VS Ạ Exercise 4: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc 1. I (walk)___________down the street when it (begin)__________ to rain. 2. We (have) _____________a chat while we (wait)______________for our flights. 3. Jim (stand) ________ under the tree when he (hear)____________ an explosion. 4. The boy (fall)____________ and hurt himself while he (ride)_________ a bicycle. 5. When we (meet)____________ them last year, they (live)_____________ in Santiago. 6. The tourist (lose)______________ his camera while he (walk) ______________ around the city. 7. The lorry (go) _____________ very fast when it (hit)____________ our car. 8. While I (study)________________in my room, my roommates (have)______________ a party in the other room. 9. Mary and I (dance)_________________the house when the telephone (ring)_____________. 10. We (sit)________________ in the café when they (see)_______________us. Exercise 5: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc 1. The World War II _____________ in 1939 and _____________in 1945.( begin/ end) 2. Yesterday, I _____________at the checkout when I _____________ a strange-looking man .( wait/ notice) 3. A: _____________you _____________your homework yet? ( finish) B: Yes, I have. But I really _____________homework. (hate) 4. On the way home yesterday, she _____________the car as soon as the light _____________ red.(stop/ turn) 5. As soon as the alarm clock went off, she _____________up and _____________out of bed.(wake/go) 6. I _____________very tired when I got home, so I _____________straight to bed.(feel/go) 7. Last night, I went to Jim’s room and _____________ (knock) on the door but there _____________ (be) no answer 8. My family_____________ (live) in Hue from1990 to 1996, but now we _____________ in Sai Lion.(live) 9. Karen is very free today, but she_____________ (not want) to come to the cinema with us because she_____________ ( see) the film last week. 10. When we_____________ ( reach) the city center ,we couldn't find a parking space, so we _____________ (decide) to go to Aeon mall. 11. When I_____________ (come) to her house yesterday, she _____________ (be) out . 12. While The firemen _____________ (put) out the burning house, the reporters_____________ (arrive) 13. She _____________ as a manager assistant in this company from 2001 to 2004 and now she _____________ for a bank.(work/ work) 14. Yesterday I _____________ (come) back home late, and then I _____________ (take) a shower 15. Hypatia _____________ ( bear) in Alexandria, in Egypt, in 370 A.D and his father _____________ (be) director Alexandria University. 16. Your hair _____________ (be) tidy now. _____________you (have) your hair cut yesterday? 17. I’m sorry the calculator _____________ (not work). Maybe someone_____________ (break) the calculator yesterday. 18. His mother _____________ (work) from Tuesday to Saturday, and Sunday and Monday____________ (be) her days off 19. He sometimes _____________ (play) badminton or _____________ (join) a group of workers for talking. 20. Nowadays Some parents _____________ (believe) that most of the homework_____________ (be ) useless .

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Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. 1. I won't be able to go on holiday if my parents don't give me the money. Unless................................................................................................................................ 2. As soon as I put the phone down, it rang again! No sooner........................................................................................................................... 3. What a pity these shops close at lunch-time. I wish .............................................................................................................................. 4. How old is your father? What……………………….. .........................................................................................? 5. We didn't go to the theatre. We stayed at home. We stayed …………………………………………………………………… .………. 6. You don’t need to finish all the work today It’s ………………………………………………………………………………… 7. If I had known that peter was in hospital, I would have visited him Had .............................................................................................................................. 8. Let’s invite the Browns to the party on Sunday He suggested ................................................................................................................ 9. The refugees continued to feel unsafe until they had crossed the border Not until ....................................................................................................................... 10. We like pasta but we don't have it everyday. Although ......................................................................................................................? Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others. 1 a. camera b. famous c. glad d. family 2. a. gulf b surface c. submarine d. current 3. a. ocean b. undersea c. beneath d. deep 4. a. pollute b. species c. accept d. receipt 5 a. club b. lamb c. doubt d. bomber

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Finish the second sentence in such a way that it means the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. The furniture was too old for us to keep. → It was ................................................................................................................................................... 2. Nobody has cleaned the streets this week. → The streets ........................................................................................................................................... 3. While mending the road, they accidentally blocked our water pipes. → They accidentally cut .......................................................................................................................... 4. He brought the umbrella along but it didn’t rain. → He needn’t ........................................................................................................................................... 5. While I strongly disapprove of your behavior, I will help you this time. → Despite ................................................................................................................................................ 6. The underground is quick and cheap. → The underground is ............................................................................................................................. 7. He was annoyed because his secretary came late to work. → He objected to ..................................................................................................................................... 8. Neil regrets having sold his car. → Neil wishes .......................................................................................................................................... 9. The child ran out because of the strange noise. → The strange noise ................................................................................................................................ 10. Immediately after his arrival, things went wrong. → No sooner ............................................................................................................................................ There is a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence. 1. Jason’s professor had him to write his thesis many times before allowing him to present it A B C to the committee. D 2. I think Helen is accustomed to work eight hours a day. A B C D 3. The more frequent you exercise, the greater physical endurance you will have. A B C D 4. Only when you have had a chance to know various occupations you will decide on your career. A B C D 5. I tried to do everything to contact John two weeks ago but so far I don’t receive his reply. A B C D 6. Most students were able of finding good jobs three to six months after graduation. A B C D 7. The letter was sent by special delivery must be important. A B C D 8. Because the torrential rains that had devastated the area, the governor sent the National Guard to A B C assist in the clean-up operation. D 9. My brother attends an university in the Midwest which specializes in astrology. A B C D 10. Although Mark has been cooking for many years, he still doesn’t know to prepare French foods A B C D in the traditional manner.

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GIÚP E VS Ạ B. PAST CONTINUOUS: 1. While I __________ (drive) home, Peter __________ (try) desperately to contact me. 2. She ___________(talk) to me on the phone and it suddenly _________(go) dead 3. It was beautiful yesterday when we went for a walk in the park. The sun______________(shine). The birds_____________(sing) 4. My brother and sister ________________ (talk) about something when I ________________ (walk) into the room. 5. Tom went to his friends ‘house, but the boys ___________________ (not be) there. They (play)_____________soccer in the vacant lot down the street 6. The little boy _______________ (fall) asleep while his mother___________________ (read) him a story. 7. I really enjoyed my holiday last January. While it_______________(snow) in Iowa, the sun ______________ (shine) in Florida. 8. While Ted _______________ (shovel) snow from his driveway yesterday, his wife______________ (bring) him a cup of hot chocolate 9. They ___________________(wait) for me when I _________________ at the station (arrive) 10. While I _____ (study) in my room, my roommates ________ (have) a party in the other room. Exercise 3: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc 1. I (just/ see) ______________Andrew and he says he (already, do) ______________about half of the plan. 2. I (not, live)______________ with my family now and we (not/see) ______________ each other for five years. 3. How many bottles______________ the milkman (leave) ______________? He (leave) ______________ six. 4. I (turn) ______________ the heating on. It (soon, get)__________ warm in here 5. She (live)__________ here since I (born)____________ 6. We (encounter)___________ many difficulties while (work)__________on that project 7. He (write)______________ three blogs and he (work)___________ on another blog 8. This (be)____________ the most interesting game I (ever, play)___________ 9. How long you (learn) ______________Japanese? I ( learn) ______________ it since 2015 10. I (just, realize) ______________ that there (be)___________ only seven weeks to the end of term

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GIÚP E VS Ạ UNIT 11 1. Cuc Phuong National Park is ________________ 160 km South West of Hanoi. (location) 2. It is the first of Vietnam's nine national parks to be established and it ________________ over 200 square km of rainforest. ( contain ) 3. Nairobi National Park is Kenya's smallest park, but you may be ________________ at the large variety of animals that live there. (surprising) 4. An interesting feature of this park is the Orphanage where lots of orphaned or ________________ animals are taken care of. (abandon) 5. This ________________ has threatened the park and many of the animals in it. (contaminate) 6. This contamination has _______________ the park and many of the animals in it. (threat) 7. What do you think will happen to the park if more chemicals are ________________ into the water? (releasing) 8. Visitors, especially children, can go there to learn how to recognize the ________________species of animals and plants. (difference) 9. This national park is special because it has plants and animals from both ________________ and temperate zones. (tropically) 10. His father was working ________________ at national park (industrious) 11. Inflation figures have fluctuated _______ between 0.2% and 25% (wild) 12. For a goalkeeper, it's a great _______ to have big hands. (advantageous) 13. She first rose to _______ as a singer at the age of 16. (famous) 14. Such data will prove _______ for researchers (valued) 15. Dolphins are a _______ species (protectively) II. TENSES Exercise 1: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc 1. I thanked her for everything she (do)____________for me. 2. Alan ___________hardly _____________(prepare) for dinner when her husband went home 3. Dan_______________two tablets this year. (already/ buy) 4. How many games_____________your team ____________ so far this season? (win) 5. ____________ you __________your homework yet? (do) 6. I_____________Peter since I arrived last Tuesday. (not/ see) 7. They went home after they (finish) ___________________their work. 8. She said that she (already, see) __________________Dr. Rice. 9. After Peter (take)_______________ a bath, he went to bed. 10. He told me he (not/eat) ________________such kind of food before. 11. When he came to the stadium, the match (already/ begin) _________________. 12. Before she watched TV, she (do)_________________ homework. 13. After they (go)_______________, I sat down and rested. 14. Yesterday, John (go) _____________to the store before he went home. 15. No sooner ___________I (watch)____________ TV than the phone rang. 16. Before I watched TV, I (do) ________________my homework. 17. After I (wash)______________ my clothes, I went to sleep. 18. It is the first time I ______________ (eat) sushi 19. She didn’t notice that she (never see) ______________that film before. 20. I suddenly remember that I __________________ (forget) my keys. Exercise 2: Cho dạng đúng của các động từ trong ngoặc A. PRESENT CONTINUOUS: 1. Hannah __________________ (not study) French in the library. She________ (be) at home with her classmates. 2. My kids (be)____________downstairs now. They (play)_____________chess. 3. While I (do)____________my homework, my sister (read) __________ newspapers. 4. She normally ____________ (live) in Northbridge but she _________________ (stay) with friends at the moment. 5. What sort of clothes _______ teenagers ________ (wear) nowadays? What sort of music _______ they __________( listen) to? 6. Paul and Sally___________ (have) had an argument they __________________ (speak) to each other. 7. You ____________ (make) a lot of noise. Can you be quieter? I _____________ (try) to concentrate. 8. Kate phoned me last night. She is on holiday in France. She__________ (have) a great time and ___________( not, want )to come back. 9. Tommy (clean) _______ his house and his father (repair) _______ their old car at the moment. 10. I (read) _________ this book but my sister (not read) __________ now.

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