People are having more and more sugar-based drinks.What are the reasons? What are the solutions to make people drink less? Cứu mình với ạ, gấp gấp, không chép mạng nha

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Drink a lot of water
In some cases, soda cravings can be confused with thirst.

If you feel like drinking soda, try drinking a large glass of water first and wait a few minutes. It's possible you may notice the craving fade away after you quench your thirst.

Water is not only great for quenching your thirst, but it also helps you stay hydrated.

Distance with soda
If you feel a soda craving, try to stay away from the thought.

Behaviors like going for a walk or showering can help shift your thought process and environment away from craving and stop it altogether.

Some studies have shown that chewing gum can also help curb cravings (31, 32).

Another thing you can do is make sure there are no sodas in your household or easily accessible areas to help reduce temptations and minimize cravings.

Avoid hunger
Hunger is a major driver of cravings, including those for soda.

Therefore, making sure you're not hungry can help you fight soda cravings.

To stave off hunger, make sure you eat regularly throughout the day and have healthy snacks nearby in case you get hungry.

Preparing your meals can also help you avoid situations where you go hungry.

Choose a healthy sweet treat
Sugar cravings are extremely common.

In some cases, the strong urge to drink soda can be curbed simply by replacing soda with a healthier sweet substitute.

Some healthy sweets you can choose in place of soda include:

fruits like apples, berries, pineapples, mangoes and grapes
Sugar-free gum
yogurt with a few small pieces of fruit
However, avoid replacing soda with fruit juice. Although fruit juices contain more nutrients than soda, they are very high in sugar.

Try to manage your stress level
Often, stress can trigger cravings, especially in women (33).

Many studies have shown that people who are stressed tend to consume more calories and crave more food than those who are not (34, 35, 36).

There are many ways to help reduce stress, including regular exercise, meditation, yoga, deep breathing, and mindfulness.

Try a soda alternative
Sometimes the easiest way to curb a craving is to replace it with something similar.

While choosing a diet soda can help you cut calories, there are plenty of healthier options out there that can give you a kick of refreshment, including:

Infuse sparkling water. Add slices of your favorite fruit to sparkling water for a delicious soda substitute.
Sparkling green tea. Some companies make sparkling green tea that contains less sugar than soda and offers the benefits of green tea.
Kombucha. This is a probiotic tea, which is linked to many of the same health benefits of drinking tea.
Water with mint and cucumber. This refreshing drink can not only quench your thirst but also help curb soda cravings.
Herbal or fruit tea. These drinks not only contain calories but may even offer health benefits.
Coconut water. Despite being calorie-free, this natural beverage is still a much healthier alternative to sugary sodas.
Create a support system
Many people consume soda regularly in social situations.

If you're trying to quit drinking soda, it's a good idea to let those closest to you know. This way, they can help keep you accountable and on track.

In brief

While it can be difficult to stop drinking soda, try some or all of the strategies above and see if they can help you curb your soda cravings.

When you cut back on soda intake, you may experience side effects.

If you're used to drinking several cans of soda a day, you may be experiencing caffeine withdrawal symptoms, as most popular soda brands contain caffeine.

Symptoms of caffeine withdrawal include headaches, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, and low energy. However, these symptoms only occur within the first few days to 1 week of cutting back on caffeine and are temporary (37).

In addition, there are ways to reduce your chances of these symptoms, including:

Cut back slowly rather than go cold turkey
Drink lots of water to avoid dehydration
Sleep a lot to fight fatigue

$\Longrightarrow$  We need to mobilize and propagate people not to drink a lot of sugary drinks such as sugary tea and coffee because sugar can cause diabetes, dry neck, cough,...for us. Instead, we should drink filtered water and actively exercise every day so that the body has resistance and promise ourselves that we will never drink soft drinks, sugary water.
