I. There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline and correct the mistake. 1. Sitting close to the laptop's screen hurt your eyes. ---------------------- 2. You look so bad! How's wrong with you ? ------------------------ 3. Eating lots of fast food can make you fat or obesity. ---------------------- 4. Eating more fruit and vegetables to get vitamins, minerals, fiber. ---------------------------- 5. Good nutrition is a important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. ----------------------- 6. Watch more television; if not, your eyes will be tired. --------------------- 7. I've drunk three glasses of beer, but I've got a headache. --------------------

2 câu trả lời

1. hurt => hurts (chủ ngữ "Sitting close to the laptop's screen" số ít)

2. How's => What's (What's wrong with you?: Có chuyện gì với cậu vậy?)

3. obesity => obese (make sb + adj; "obesity" là danh từ)

4. Eating => Eat (câu mệnh lệnh, V_nguyên thể đứng đầu câu)

5. a => an (an + u/e/o/a/i_N)

6. more => less (xem ti vi ít thôi)

7. but => so (Tôi đã uống 3 cốc bia rồi, vì thế tôi bị đau đầu)

1. hurt => hurts

2. How's => What's

3. obesity => obese

4. Eating => Eat

5. a => an

6. more => less

7. but => so