21. There is a ________________ of books on the shelf. (collect) 22. It is very ______________ for people in remote areas to get to hospitals. (convenience) 23. He is very _______________ with his hands. (skill) 24. It is said that water collected from the local stream is ____________ to drink. (safe) 25. We want _______________ relations with all countries. (friend) 26. I like to eat ______________, so I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables every day. (health) V)-Complete the sentences, using the comparative form of the adverbs from the correspondent adjectives in the brackets. 32. It usually rains _____________ in Central Viet Nam than in other regions. (heavy) 33. I will have to try a bit ________________ than this. (hard) 34. The hall was lighted ________________ than the corridors. (bright) 35. Times goes by _______________ when we are busy. (quick) 36. Our family has lived ______________ in the country than in the town since last year. (happy) 37. The boys were playing the game ______________ than the girls. (noisy) 38. This task can be completed _____________ than that one. (easy) 39. A tractor can plough ________________ than a buffalo or a horse. (good)

2 câu trả lời

21 collection

22 inconvenient

23 skillful 

24 unsafe

25 friendly

26  healthily

32 heavily

33 harder

Từ hard khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn là harder

34 more brightly 

Từ bright khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn là more brightly

35 more quickly 

Từ quick khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn là more quickly

36 more happily

Từ happy khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn là more happily

37 more noisily

Từ noisy khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn là more noisily

38  more easily

Từ easy khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn là more easily 

39 better

Từ good khi chuyển sang dạng so sánh hơn là better

21. collection : bộ sưu tập

22. inconvenient : thuận tiện

23. skillful : điêu luyện

24. unsafe : không an toàn

25. friendly : thân thiện

26. healthily : lành mạnh


32. heavily : nhiều, to

33. harder : dạng so sánh hơn của trạng từ hard

34. more brightly

- so sánh hơn với trạng từ : more adv

35. more quickly 

- so sánh hơn với trạng từ : more adv

36. more happily

- so sánh hơn với trạng từ : more adv

37. more noisily

- so sánh hơn với trạng từ : more adv

38. more easily

- so sánh hơn với trạng từ : more adv

39. better là dạng so sánh hơn của good