• Lớp 8
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. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. If we________ (not recycle) paper now, we’ll need to cut down more trees in the future. 2. If the local people________ (have) fresh water, they wouldn’t have to use polluted water. 3. What________ (happen) if radioactive material was not handled properly? 4. If we recycle more household waste, there________ (be) less damage to the environment. 5. If we________ (not understand) environmental problems, we would not be able to do anything about them. 6. If the polar ice-caps melted completely, Sea levels worldwide________ (rise) about 60 metres. 7. The amount of plastic in the ocean________ (increase) if we________ (not take) action now. 8. These fish________ (not die) if the factory ________ (not dump) its toxic waste into the river. 9. There ________ (not be) enough oxygen if we ________ (not protect) the rainforests. 10. If I ________ (be) the President, I ________ (ban) billboards in cities in order to reduce visual pollution. Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence. 1. It’s evidence that this ocean is clean and environmentally________. (pollute) 2. Diseases are primarily due to________ food and air. (contaminate) 3. While some Chemicals may be harmless others can cause________. (damage) 4. Life expectancy has gone down due to________ diseases caused by air pollution. (die) 5. In remote regions, the air is pure and the crops are free of ________ insecticides. (poison) 6. Some scientists warn that light________ damages people and animals. (pollute) 7. Many Chemicals have a________ effect on the environment. (damage) 8. The dumping of________ I sewage into the sea is a source of ocean pollution. (treat) 9. A________ is a substance that makes something dirty, polluted, or poisonous. (contaminate) 10. Water pollution can lead to the________ of aquatic plants and animals. (die) Underline the correct preposition in each of the following sentences. 1. Water pollution can be harmful at / to fish and animals that live along the river. 2. Using drinking water to water the garden is a waste from / of natural resources. 3. Ways must be found to prevent the poisonous gases on / from polluting the air. 4. Textile factories dump tonnes of toxic waste into / at the Citarum River. 5. She’s come up to / with amazing new ideas to help protect the environment. 6. Noise pollution can have harmful effects on / in human health. 7. The overuse of pesticides causes damage in / to the environment. 8. Too much of light pollution results in / of increase in the energy consumption. 9. The river has been polluted with / from toxic waste from local factories. 10. Children should be aware at / of the environmental issues we’re facing.

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Vote 5 sao + cảm ơn+ câu trl hay nhất PASSIVE VOICE Change the active into passive: 1. My father waters this flower every morning. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 2. John invited Fiona to his birthday party last night. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 3. Her mother is preparing the dinner in the kitchen. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 4. We should clean our teeth twice a day. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 5. Our teachers have explained the English grammar. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 6. Some drunk drivers caused the accident in this city. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 7. Tom will visit his parents next month. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 8. The manager didn’t phone the secretary this morning. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 9. Did Mary buy this beautiful dress? ………………………………………………………………………………….... 10. I won’t hang these old pictures in the living room. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 11. The German didn’t build this factory during the Second World War. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 12. The Greens are going to paint this house and these cars for Christmas Day. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 13. Ann had fed the cats before she went to the cinema. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 14. The students have discussed the pollution problems since last week. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 15. Have the thieves stolen the most valuable painting in the national museum? ………………………………………………………………………………….... 16. Some people will interview the new president on TV. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 17. How many languages do they speak in Canada? ………………………………………………………………………………….... 18. Are you going to repair those shoes? ………………………………………………………………………………….... 19. He has broken his nose in a football match. ………………………………………………………………………………….... 20. Have you finished the above sentences? …………………………………………………………………………………....

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m.n jup e vs ạ 9.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. scientific B. dramatic C. athletic D. domestic (5 Điểm) A B C D 10.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. national B. chemical C. medical D. informal (5 Điểm) A B C D 11.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. consumer B. environment C. electricity D. pollution (5 Điểm) A B C D 12.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. energy B. appliance C. ordinary D. luxury (5 Điểm) A B C D 13.Choose the best answer. I become mayor, I_________________to keep my personal life private. (5 Điểm) A. would try B. tried C. will try D. tries 14.Choose the best answer. The next stage in the____________of television is interactive TV. (5 Điểm) A. development B. develop C. developed D. redevelop 15.Choose the best answer. I checked the car______________signs of damage. (5 Điểm) A. about B. on C. of D. for 16.Choose the best answer. What are you complaining______________? (5 Điểm) A. to B. about C. on D. for 17.Choose the best answer. Everybody has come scope for doing his or her in a more_______________responsible way. (5 Điểm) A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environments 18.Choose the best answer. Will local__________________get employment in the new business? (5 Điểm) A. folks B. civil C. civilian D. inhabitant 19.What (you/do)________________at this time yesterday? (5 Điểm) A. are you doing B. were you doing C. did you do 20.Poisonous gases (pump)___________________into the atmosphere every day. (5 Điểm) A. are pumped B. pumped C. will be pumped 21.I'm not used to (walk) ______________ so far, no I must stop (rest) ________________ for a while. (5 Điểm) A. walk - to rest B. walking - to rest C. be walked - to rest 22.His joke made me (laugh) _____________ a lot. (5 Điểm) A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing

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m.n jup e vs ạ 9.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. scientific B. dramatic C. athletic D. domestic (5 Điểm) A B C D 10.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. national B. chemical C. medical D. informal (5 Điểm) A B C D 11.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. consumer B. environment C. electricity D. pollution (5 Điểm) A B C D 12.Choose the words that have the different stress from the others. A. energy B. appliance C. ordinary D. luxury (5 Điểm) A B C D 13.Choose the best answer. I become mayor, I_________________to keep my personal life private. (5 Điểm) A. would try B. tried C. will try D. tries 14.Choose the best answer. The next stage in the____________of television is interactive TV. (5 Điểm) A. development B. develop C. developed D. redevelop 15.Choose the best answer. I checked the car______________signs of damage. (5 Điểm) A. about B. on C. of D. for 16.Choose the best answer. What are you complaining______________? (5 Điểm) A. to B. about C. on D. for 17.Choose the best answer. Everybody has come scope for doing his or her in a more_______________responsible way. (5 Điểm) A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environments 18.Choose the best answer. Will local__________________get employment in the new business? (5 Điểm) A. folks B. civil C. civilian D. inhabitant 19.What (you/do)________________at this time yesterday? (5 Điểm) A. are you doing B. were you doing C. did you do 20.Poisonous gases (pump)___________________into the atmosphere every day. (5 Điểm) A. are pumped B. pumped C. will be pumped 21.I'm not used to (walk) ______________ so far, no I must stop (rest) ________________ for a while. (5 Điểm) A. walk - to rest B. walking - to rest C. be walked - to rest 22.His joke made me (laugh) _____________ a lot. (5 Điểm) A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing

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1. Please don’t post false information on the Internet,” Kerry said to Susan. A. Kerry asked Susan to post false information on the Internet. B. Kerry asked Susan not to post false information on the Internet. C. Kerry asked Susan didn’t post false information on the Internet. D. Kerry asked Susan if she didn’t post false information on the Internet. 2. “Please stay home when the pandemic is everywhere,” the teacher said to us. A. The teacher said us to stay home when the pandemic was everywhere. B. The teacher asked us stay home when the pandemic was everywhere. C. The teacher asked us to stay home when the pandemic was everywhere. D. The teacher asked us when the pandemic was everywhere and we had to stay home. 3. Please don’t post false information on the Internet,” Kerry said to Susan. A. Kerry asked Susan to post false information on the Internet. B. Kerry asked Susan not to post false information on the Internet. C. Kerry asked Susan didn’t post false information on the Internet. D. Kerry asked Susan if she didn’t post false information on the Internet. 4. We should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic,” he said. A. He told we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. B. He said we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. C. He said we had to support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. D. He said me we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. 5. He said: “It is our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government.” A. He said that it was our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. B. He said that it is our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. C. He said that it was our responsibility and followed the instructions of the government. D. He told it was our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. Please help me!

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