2 câu trả lời
First, it is the serious lack of awareness of many people, especially young people. They think that the things they do are too small, not enough to harm the environment. Or think that environmental protection is the responsibility of the state, of the government, but not of themselves. Others think that the environment has been polluted, no matter what they do, it is not significant, and the environmental pollution does not affect them much... But that is not the case! Destruction of the environment by one person is small, but the gathering of many people is big. Although the responsibility to protect the environment is partly from the state, most of it belongs to the people. The things we do to the environment, although we can't see it right now, in the long run it will affect us more or less.
Another cause of environmental pollution is the lack of responsibility of businesses. They put a lot of emphasis on profit maximization, many businesses violated the mining process, significantly contributing to environmental pollution. In addition, it is the lack of strictness in the management of environmental protection by the state that also abets acts of environmental destruction to continue. Vietnam lacks strict environmental protection policies and regulations, and because it is strongly attracting investment capital for development, it is easy to fall into the "pitfall": becoming the recipient of many "dirty" industries. . For example, the steel rolling industry consumes a lot of resources such as land, water, and energy, and releases hazardous wastes to the environment. In addition, the increasing number of cars circulating in our country also contributes significantly to air pollution.
Air pollution is one of the hot issues of public concern today. But the main reason leading to this is that there are too many factories and vehicles that emit smoke and dust into the environment and also because people often litter indiscriminately. If this condition persists, it will threaten human health, increasing the risk of skin and respiratory diseases. Not only causing damage to humans but also animals and plants cannot escape the invasion of toxic water streams from factories and chemical factories. Therefore, we need to join hands and contribute to environmental protection in order to promptly prevent serious consequences for the environment, animals and plants around us in the future.
Ô nhiễm không khí là 1 trong những vấn đề nóng được dư luận quan tâm hiện nay. Những lý do chính dẫn đến dẫn đến việc này chính là có quá nhiều nhà máy, phương tiện giao thông thải khói bụi ra môi trường và còn do việc mọi người hay xả rác một cách bừa bãi. Nếu tình trạng này còn kéo dài thì nó sẽ đe dọa đến sức khỏe con người, làm tăng nguy cơ bị mắc các bệnh về da liễu và hệ hô hấp. Không chỉ gây thiệt hại cho con người mà động thực vật cũng không thoát khỏi sự xâm chiếm của các dòng nc độc hại từ các phân xưởng, nhà máy hoá chất thải ra. Vì thế chúng ta cần phải chung tay, góp sức bảo vệ môi trường để ngăn chặn kịp thời những hậu quả nghiêm trọng gây cho môi trường, động thực vật quanh ta sau này.