Write a paragraph about 200 words about causes and affects of water pollution

2 câu trả lời

Today, environmental pollution has become more and more serious. The environment includes all the natural elements and man-made matter surrounding humans, directly affecting humans and creatures on earth. Environmental pollution is the current state of the environment where toxic substances are harmful to human life. Air environment: factories, car dust and other engines, ... have been emitting into the atmosphere a huge source of carbonnic, acids, greenhouse gases, ... Water pollution: water is poisoned by waste water, oil spills, ... making the number of clean water increasingly scarce. Pollution of the land environment: the land is increasingly degraded, washed away, leaded, poisoned by rubbish, pesticides, ...The cause of this situation is: For profit, some enterprises disregard the law intentionally discharging untreated waste into the environment, ... Poor people's awareness: irresponsibility, cutting down forest, littering leads to uncontrolled widespread pollution. The state management is still loose. Consequently, human health is directly affected such as: respiratory diseases, cardiovascular diseases, sore throat, chest pain, shortness of breath; about 14,000 deaths a day due to water pollution ....Depleted biological resources, lack of domestic water, loss of biodiversity of the habitat. Impact on economic resources, agriculture, tourism, ... It is necessary to provide effective and immediate solutions such as: It is necessary to have strict management of the state in dealing with individual businesses. violate. Strengthen propaganda to raise people's awareness about environmental protection. At the same time, clearly stating the harmful effects of environmental pollution on ecosystems, human health ... Proceeding with the application of scientific technology to solve the current pollution situation ... It is necessary to build a sense of compliance with the law. laws, should be responsible for social problems, no acts that directly or indirectly affect the living environment. At the same time, contribute to propaganda and raise the awareness of people around the environment

*mời bạn tham khảo*

Talking about pollution, we certainly know that there are many forms of pollution such as: visual pollution, soil pollution, ... many kinds of pollution, various types of pollution. pollution is more and more. But I assure you that the pollution we can see anywhere and it is very common is water pollution.
 Where is the cause of water pollution? It is due to human influence on the environment. Currently there are many people who are less aware of environmental protection. They only know their "BENEFITS" and disregard the laws of the state.they throw their rubbish indiscriminately into rivers, lakes, and the sea without them knowing that human life and life are seriously threatened by drinking, bathing themselves in these dirty rivers, lakes and seas. Other pollution which leads to water pollution.we should to protect the environment by propagating people, always cleaning up dirty places, not littering, conscious of environmental protection.
    In short, we must know the consciousness, respect and protect the life of mankind, must know the protection of the environment and nature in order to have an earth "non-pollution" in future. we need to protect the environment by propagating people, always cleaning up dirty places, not littering, conscious of environmental protection.

Nói về ô nhiễm, chắc chắn chúng ta biết rằng có nhiều dạng ô nhiễm như: ô nhiễm thị giác, ô nhiễm đất, ... nhiều loại ô nhiễm, nhiều loại ô nhiễm khác nhau. ô nhiễm ngày càng nhiều. Nhưng tôi đảm bảo với bạn rằng ô nhiễm chúng ta có thể thấy ở bất cứ đâu và nó rất phổ biến là ô nhiễm nước.
  Đâu là nguyên nhân gây ô nhiễm nước? Đó là do ảnh hưởng của con người đến môi trường. Hiện nay có nhiều người ít biết bảo vệ môi trường. Họ chỉ biết "LỢI ÍCH" của mình và coi thường luật pháp của tiểu bang. họ vứt rác bừa bãi xuống sông, hồ và biển mà không biết rằng cuộc sống và cuộc sống của con người bị đe dọa nghiêm trọng khi uống rượu, tắm mình trong những con sông, hồ và biển bẩn thỉu này. Ô nhiễm khác dẫn đến ô nhiễm nước.Cho nên , chúng ta phải biết bảo vệ môi trường bằng cách tuyên truyền mọi người,luôn dọn dẹp những nơi dơ bẩn , không xả rác bừa bãi , có ý thức bảo vệ môi trường
     Nói tóm lại, chúng ta phải biết ý thức, tôn trọng và bảo vệ sự sống của nhân loại, phải biết bảo vệ môi trường và thiên nhiên để có một trái đất không ô nhiễm" trái đất trong tương lai.

* học tốt nhé mình đảm bảo không cóp mạng*



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