The English language is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is used as either first or second language .................... (24) many countries. During the 16th century, only about two million people spoke English. All .................... (25) them lived in what is now the United Kingdom. Over the centuries, as a result of various historical events, English has spread throughout .................... (26) world. Today, about 400 million people speak English as their native .................... (27). Most of them live in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, .................... (28) the Unites States. About 100 million people, chiefly living in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and in many African .................... (29), speak English in addition to their own language. An additional 200 million people in the world probably know .................... (30) least some English. English is really an international language.

2 câu trả lời

-16. Since its beginning more than a century ago, the slouch hat one of the most distinctive items of Australian clothing. (become) 17. For over 130 years, Akubra hats its legendary stories in Australia. (make) 18. Aberdeen in Scotland an important centre for the oil industry since the finding of oil in the North Sea. (become) 19. Canada the longest land border in the world with the United States. (share) 20. Ireland the Eurovision Song Contest seven times. (win) 21. In Canada you should maintain

The English language is the most widely spoken language in the world. It is used as either first or second language .................... (24) many countries. During the 16th century, only about two million people spoke English. All .................... (25) them lived in what is now the United Kingdom. Over the centuries, as a result of various historical events, English has spread throughout .................... (26) world. Today, about 400 million pe

24. in

25. of

26. the

27. language

28. and

29. countries

30. at

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