Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning, using the word given 87 All flights had to be cancelled as a result of the pilots’ sudden strike. (so) 88 How long is the presentation? (last) 89 I’m not you, but I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags. (if) 90 If I could swim, I would go scuba diving with Terry. (because) 91 What time does the HN302 leave? (departure) 92 The English speaking countries exhibition finishes at 8p.m. (end) 93 Eating too much sugar can result in health problems. (lead) 94 Emma came first because she worked hard. (result) Combine each pair of sentences, using the words / phrases in brackets. Don't change the given words / phrases. 95 Radioactive pollution is very dangerous. It can cause abnormal growth. (since) 96 Fossil fuels such as coal or oil are burned. Acid gases are produced. (so) 97 Leaves are damaged. The tree cannot get enough food energy to stay healthy. (because) 98 Acid rain is dangerous. Trees’ leaves are damaged. (because of) 99 The area is uninhabitable. The Chernobyl nuclear accident happened. (made) 100 Noise pollution happens. There is a change in animals’ living pattern. (causes)

1 câu trả lời

87 a result of the pilots’ sudden strike so all flights had to be cancelled

89 If i were you, i would recycle these plastic carrier bags

90 i won't go scuba diving with Terry because i can not swim

91 when will HN302 depart

92 The exhibition of English speaking countries ends at 8 am.

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