* Reading USA . Since he was a black child, he could not go to the same school as white children. During his childhood, King witnessed the unequal among black and white people in the USA. For example, in Alabama, a black person had to give up his seat to a white person. King thought this was wrong. Every January the American celebrate the life of a great man. It is called Martin Luther King Day – a national holiday. Martin Luther King Day was born in 1929 in Georgia in the south of the One day, Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks, a brave black woman decided to work together to change the unfair law. It was a hard time, King was attacked and arrested many times but he never gave up. Eventually they won, and in 1956 Alabama changed the law. King continued to fight for the equality of black people. He was a hero for million of Americans,King said people should not be iudged by the color of their skin but the content of their character in one of his famous speeches. He also won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.But some white people considered him their enemy. On 4th April 1968, he was shot by James Earl Ray. King had four children who all decided to continue his work and to fight for the rights of black Americans. Exercise I : Are these sentences true(T) of false ( F ) ? Tick (v) in the appropritate box and correct the false information T F 1. Martin Luther King Day is a British national holiday =) 2. King went to the same school with white children. =) 3. Parks and King wanted the same thing. =) 4. The law in Alabama was changed in 1956 =) King won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968 =)

1 câu trả lời


1. F ( Every January the American celebrate the life of a great man. It is called Martin Luther King Day – a national holiday.)

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. F ( He also won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.)

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