phan tich nhung thuan loi va kho khan cua dia hinh vung nui doi voi doi song va san xuat cua con nguoi

2 câu trả lời

Đáp án: 

* Thuận lợi:

- Phát triển chăn nuôi gia súc

- Phát triển cây công nghiệp lâu năm, cây ăn quả...v.v 

- Phát triển lâm nghiệp

* Khó khăn:
- Địa hình hiểm trở, giao thông đi lại khó khăn

- Thiên tai lũ quét, sạt lở đất diễn ra gây nguy hiểm cho đs người dân

* Thuận lợi:

- Phát triển chăn nuôi gia súc

- Phát triển cây công nghiệp lâu năm, cây ăn quả..

- Phát triển lâm nghiệp

* Khó khăn:
- Địa hình hiểm trở, giao thông đi lại khó khăn

- Thiên tai lũ quét, sạt lở đất diễn ra gây nguy hiểm cho đs người dân

Câu hỏi trong lớp Xem thêm

III. WORD FORMATION (1.2 points) Write the correct forms of the words in brackets. 17. Hurry up! The train _______________ in ten minutes. (LEAVE) 18. I am really ______________ about the talent show tomorrow. (EXCITE) 19. Turkey and mashed potatoes are ___________ food on Thanksgiving Day. (TRADITION) 20. I think fashion shows are _______________. I don’t like them at all. (BORE) 21. During Tết, children wear new clothes and receive _______________ money. (LUCK) 22. There are many great _______________ at the music festival. (PERFORM) IV. READING (2 points) Read the following passage and fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box. There are TWO words that you don’t need. decorate decorations traditional parade celebrate costumes fireworks GOLOWAN FESTIVAL Golowan festival is one of the biggest (38) __________ festivals in Europe. Golowan means ‘midsummer’ in Cornish, the old language of Cornwall. ‘Midsummer’ is the longest day of the year and people celebrate ‘midsummer’ in many countries. The festival lasts for ten days. The celebrations begin with a big (39) __________ show and lots of different music events. People (40) __________ the streets with flags in different colors. School students make amazing animals out of paper. There aren’t any cars or buses on the streets in the town center. Hundreds of people dress up in beautiful (41) __________ and walk along the streets in a big (42) __________. Musicians play guitars and drums while people dance. Visitors can also try Cornish food at the food stands.

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