* Modal V: - (+) Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day. - (?) May this news be announced soon ? - (wh) Where should your cars be repaired ? - (-) This party won't be held next to the pool. * Tương lai đơn: - (+) A new high school will be built in our town next year. - (wh) When will the dog be fed? - (-) Tom won't give Anna a ride to school tomorrow. - (?) Will a new bike be bought by Nga? chuyển sang câu chủ động hộ nha

1 câu trả lời

We should clean our teeth twice a day

May hey annouce this news soon ?

Where should we repaired your cars ?

They won't hold this party next to the pool

They will build a new high school in our town next year

When will they feed the dog ?

Anna won't ride Tom to school tomorow

Wil Nga buy a new bike ?

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