* Modal V: - (+) Our teeth should be cleaned twice a day. - (?) May this news be announced soon ? - (wh) Where should your cars be repaired ? - (-) This party won't be held next to the pool. * Tương lai đơn: - (+) A new high school will be built in our town next year. - (wh) When will the dog be fed? - (-) Tom won't give Anna a ride to school tomorrow. - (?) Will a new bike be bought by Nga? * Quá khứ đơn: - (+) The Great Wall in China was built many centuries ago. - (?) Was I bitten by a small dog ? - (wh) When was this bunch of flowers given by her father? - (-) These postcards weren't send to Juliet. * Hiện tại tiếp diễn: - (+) A lot of trees are being planted around the school at the moment. - (?) Is the cake being made by her now? - (wh) Where are you being taken a photo ? - (-) The watch isn't being bought by he at the shop. chuyển sang câu chủ động giúp mình nha

1 câu trả lời

1. we should clean our teeth twice a day

may us annouce the news soon ?

where should i repair my car

we won't hold the party next to the pool

2. they will build a new high school in our town next year

when will you feed the dog

will nga buy a new bike

3. they built the great wall of china many centuries ago

did small dog bite me 

when did her father give this bunch of flower 

they didn't send these postcards to juliet 

4. they are planting a lot of trees around the school at the moment

is she making the cake now 

where are they taking you a photo

he isn't buying the watch at the shop 

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