Make sentences using the words /phrases you are learned Choose a country you like and talk about it

1 câu trả lời

Hello everyone, my name is ..... I am living in Vietnam- a beautiful little country. The people in my country are very simple and honest, friendly to everyone, maybe because of that, my country is called a happy country. My country has an S-shape, I don't know because Why is my country like that, and perhaps it also impresses other countries when they often call our country an S-shaped country. My country has mountains, seas, and plains, so we are quite proud of the countless beautiful scenes that naturally fit inside the country, bringing a peaceful and relaxed feeling of long trips. , I enjoyed the beautiful scenery in peace. In general, I love my fatherland - Fatherland hero.

I wish you good study, and wish you always love Vietnam as the essay I wrote for you and all Vietnamese people.

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