IV. Complete the sentences with “will” + one of these verbs (H ãy hoàn thành những câu sau với “will” + một trong những động từ sau): “pass, meet, look, like, get, come, be, phone, find, burn” 1. I haven‟t seen Hanh today. I expect she …………………. me this evening. 2. Tommy has beenaway a long time. When he returns he …………………………… a lot of changes. 3.That pot is very hot. If you touch it, you …………………… yourshelf. 4. Don‟t worry about your exam. I‟m sure you ………………………. . 5. Why don‟t you try on this new shirt? It ……………………. nice on you. 6. You must meet Jackson sometime. I think you ………………………. Him. 7. It‟s snowing. Don‟t go out. You …………………………. Wet. 8. We‟ve invited her to our house. We ……………….. offended if she doesn‟t go. 9. Goodbye. We expect …………………. You again before long. 10. We‟ve invited Rose to the party but we don‟t think she …………………………… .

2 câu trả lời

1.will phone

2.will be

3.will burn

4.will pass

5.will look

6.will like

7.will get

8.will find

9.will meet

10.will come

1.will phone

2.will be

3.will burn

4.will pass

5.will look

6.will like

7.will get

8.will find

9.will meet

10.will come

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