IV. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I'm afraid I _________________________ (not / be) able to come tomorrow. 2. Because of the train strike, the meeting _________________________ (not / take) place at 9 o'clock. 3. A: “Go and tidy your room.” B: “I _________________________ (not / do) it!” 4. If it rains, we _________________________ (not / go) to the beach. 5. In my opinion, she _________________________ (not / pass) the exam. 6. A: “I'm driving to the party, would you like a lift?” B: “Okay, I _________________________ (not / take) the bus, I'll come with you.” 7. He _________________________ (not / buy) the car, if he can't afford it. 8. I've tried everything, but he _________________________ (not / eat). 9. According to the weather forecast, it _________________________ (not / snow) tomorrow. 10. A: “I'm really hungry.” B: “In that case we _________________________ (not / wait) for John. V. Combine each pair of the sentences, using “in order to” or “in order not to” 1. I get up early/ I want to go to school early. .............................................................................................................................................. 2. We wear warm clothes in winter. We don’t want to get cold. .............................................................................................................................................. 3. He tries to learn. He wants to get good marks. .............................................................................................................................................. 4. I learn English. I want to communicate with the foreigners. .............................................................................................................................................. 5. He hurried to home. He wanted to see a good film. .............................................................................................................................................. VI. Rewrite the sentences, using “so as to” or “so as not to” 1. I try to earn money because I want to buy a new house. .............................................................................................................................................. 5 2. Because he didn’t want to get wet, he brought a rain coat. .............................................................................................................................................. 3. I don’t want to meet him, so I have to close the door. .............................................................................................................................................. 4. We hurried to school because we didn’t want to be late. .............................................................................................................................................. 5. Mr Nam doesn’t want to cause accidents, so he always drives carefully. .............................................................................................................................................. 6. I came earlier because I didn’t want you to wait for me. .............................................................................................................................................. 7. I like living in the countryside because I want to enjoy the fresh air. .............................................................................................................................................. 8. Hung comes back home early today because he wants to see the news at 7 pm. ..............................................................................................................................................

2 câu trả lời

1. will not be/ won't be

2. will not be take/ won't be take

3. will not do/ won't do

4. will not go/ won't go

5. will not pass/ won't pass

6. will not take/ won't take

7. will not buy/ won't buy

8. will not eat/ won't eat

9. will not snow/ won't snow

10. will not wait/ won't wait


1. I get up early in order to go to school early

2. We wear warm clothes in winter in order not to get cold

3. He tries to learn in order to get good marks

4. I learn english in order to communicate with the foreigners

5. He hurried to home in order to see a good film


1. I try to earn money so as to buy a new house

2. He brought a rain coat so as not to get wet

3. I have to close the door so as not to meet him

4. We hurried to schoold so as not to be late

5. He always drives carefully so as not to cause accidents.


7. I like living in the countryside so as to enjoy....

8. Hung comes back home early today so as to see news...

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