III. Rewrite the sentences using Conditional sentences (mixed) 1. He didn’t win the race because he fell over. If ​ 2. I am not free at the moment. I can't help you If​ 3. We didn't see movie because the cinema was closed. If​ 4. She doesn't understand because you haven't explained the situation to her. If​ 5. You won't get a promotion if your work doesn't improve. If​ 6. I never eat octopus because I get sick. If​ 7. We didn't pick you up at the station because you didn't phone us. If​ 8. The government won't win the elections unless they improve the situation. If​ 9. Whenever I make a promise, I keep it. If​ 10. We haven't got any matches, so we can't light a fire. If​ 11. I didn't renew my subscription because I lost interest in the magazine's articles. If​ 12. He was too slow to win the race. If​ 13. I won't go to Rio unless I find a cheap flight. If​ 14. I never sunbathe because I get sunburnt easily. If​ 15. She will understand you provided that you don't speak too fast. If​ 16. He won't come for a drink because he's got work to do. If​ 17. She's too young to get a driving license. If​ 18. They lost the match because of the heavy rain. If​ 19. Whenever Peter and I meet, we talk about the good old times. If​ 20. Should you see Paul, tell him about the meeting. If

1 câu trả lời

1.If he fell over,he will never win the race

2.if im free,i can help you

3.if the cinema wasn't close,we can see the cinema

4.if you dont explaine the situation to her,She wontt understand

5.if your work doesn't improveYou won't get a promotion

6if i eat octup ill get sick

7.if you phone us,we will pick you up at the station

                  mhiều quá làm ko nổi

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