III. Put these sentences into the passive form (Interrogative form). 1. Do they teach English here? 2. Will you invite her to your wedding party? 3. Has Tom finished the work? 4. Did the teacher give some exercises? 5. Have they changed the window of the laboratory? #Mk vote 5 sao + cảm ơn ạ:<

2 câu trả lời

1.Is english taught here ?

2.Will she be invited to your wedding party ?

3.Has the work been finished by Tom ?

4.Were some exercises given by the teacher ?

5.Has the window of the laboratory been changed ?

Chuc ban hoc tot ne <3

1 Is english taught here?

2 Will she be invited to your wedding party ?

3 Has the work finished by tom?

4 Were some exercises given by the teacher?

5 Has the window of the laboratory been changed?

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