II. Rewrite the sentences. Use the Second Conditional. 1) I haven’t got any money, so I won’t buy that CD. =>If I had some money, I would buy that CD. 2) Pigs haven’t got wings, so they don’t fly. 3) His marks aren’t good because he doesn’t work hard. 4) I’m busy, so I won’t come with you. 5) They don’t know her, so they won’t invite her to their party. 6) I won’t call him because I haven’t got his phone number. 7) She walks to school because she hasn’t got a bike. 8) It’s cold, so we won’t go to the beach. 9) I won’t join you because I have to stay at home

1 câu trả lời

2/ If pigs had got wings, they would fly.

3/ If he worked hard, his marks would be good.

4/ If i weren't busy, i would come with you.

5/ If they knew her, they would invite her to the party.

6/ If i had got his phone number, i would call him.

7/ If she had got a bike, she would't walk to school.

8/ If it weren't cold, we would go to the beach.

9/ If i didn't have to stay at home, i would join you. 

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