II. Circle the best option to complete each sentence: ( HTHT) 26. We have lived in this town _________ 1998 a. for b. since c. ago d. in 27. “Let’s go to the new movie down town”. “Thanks, but I _________ it already” a. have seen b. saw c. had seen d. ever seen 28. _________ flown in an aero plane before? a. Have you ever b. Had you ever c. Are you d. Do you 29. Jack _________ his homework yet, so he won’t go out with his friends a. finish b. has finished c. doesn’t finish d. hasn’t finished 30. I’ve worked here _________ six years a. for b. since c. over d. in 31. They _________ married for 22 yearsa. have got b. have been c. was d. got 32. Robert _________ in three important water polo games so far a. played b. had played c. is playing d. has played 33. Nothing _________ in this town since I first visited it a. changed b. was changing c. changes d. has changed 34. Because Lan _________ breakfast, she isn’t hungry now a. was eating b. eats c. ate d. has eaten 35. Up to now, I _________ a lot of information about her a. will learn b. learnt c. would learn d. have learnt 36. She has worked as a secretary _________ she graduated from college a. since b. until c. before d. while 37. I’m a vegetarian. I _________ meat since I was a child a. haven’t eaten b. don’t eat c. haven’t been eating d. am not eating 38. I _________ here for ten years a. lives b. am living c. live d. have been living 39. Tom was leaning against the wall, out of breath. He _________ a. was running b. has been running c. has run d. would run 40. I’m sorry, Mrs Johnson hasn’t _________ a. arrived just b. already arrived c. arrived already d. arrived yet 41. My cousins _________ seen a kangaroo a. have never b. never have c. has never d. haven’t never 42. I _________ to London five times already this week a. went b. have gone c. have been d. was going 43. Margaret has _________ here since February a. being worked b. working c. been working d. been worked III. Circle the best option to complete each sentence: 44. He felt very sleepy _________ he had eaten too much a. of b. at c. after d. before 45. When we arrived, the train _________ the station a. already left b. had already left c. had left already d. has left already 46. I called you at 8:00 am, but you _________ out a. went b. just had gone c. had just gone d. had gone just 47. Lisa _________ me a ride because I _________ the bus a. gave/had missed b. gave/missed c. had given/missed d. had given/had missed 48. _________ I went to bed, I’d taken a bath and brushed my teeth a. After b. When c. If d. Before 49. Before I _________ to him, his sister _________ me this news. a. talked/ gave b. will talk/gave c. talked /had given d. talk/ had given 50. He ___________the work by the time I came. a. finishes b. finished c. was finishing d. had finished làm giúp mình nhé

2 câu trả lời

26. B

27. A

28. B

29. A

30. A

31. B

32. D

33. D

34. A

35. D

36. C

37. A

38. D

39. D

40. D

41. B

42. C

43. C

44. C

45. D

46. C

47. D

48. D

chúc bn học tốt

 mk ko chỉ chắc 70% là đúng thôi

26: B

27: A

28: A

29: D

30: A

31: B

32: D

33: D

34: D

35: D

36: A

37: A

38: D

39: C

40: D

41: A

42: C

43: C

44: C

45: D

46: C

47: B

48: D

49: A

50: D

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