I. Circle the correct answer: 1. Yesterday my brother (bought/was bought me) a new T-shirt. 2. Who (was broken/broke) the vase? 3. Yesterday I was having dinner when my door (was knocked/was knocking). 4. At the moment my car (is polishing/is being polished) by my brother. 5. This car (has been used/has used) by Mr. Smith for 5 years. 6. The early train to Manchester city (leaves/is left) at 6 am tomorrow. 7. No one (has heard/has been heard) about the accident last night. 8. If you work hard, you (will reward/will be rewarded). Mk cảm ơn+ vote 5 sao ạ:< help me

2 câu trả lời

1. Yesterday my brother (bought/was bought me) a new T-shirt.

2. Who (was broken/broke) the vase?

3. Yesterday I was having dinner when my door (was knocked/was knocking).

4. At the moment my car (is polishing/is being polished) by my brother.

5. This car (has been used/has used) by Mr. Smith for 5 years.

6. The early train to Manchester city (leaves/is left) at 6 am tomorrow.

7. No one (has heard/has been heard) about the accident last night.

8. If you work hard, you (will reward/will be rewarded).

Chuc ban hoc tot ne <3

1. bought

2. broke

3. was knocked

4. is being polished

5. has been used

6. leaves

7. has heard

8. will be rewarded

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