I. Change these sentences into the passive voice 1. Somebody cleans the room everyday. ................................................................................................... 2. John will not collect me at the airport. .................................................................................................. 3. Mr. Robinson teaches us how to speak English fluently. .................................................................................................. 4. People play football all over the world. .................................................................................................. 5. Will you invitr her to your birthday party? .................................................................................................. II. Choose the correct prepositions 1.I’m looking forward........................seeing you in June.( in/ with/ to/ on ) 2.Would you mind sitting................................ the front seat?( on / at / during / in ) 3.Ha Long Bay is recognized..................................UNESCO as a Worlf Heritage Site. ( of / by / toward / for ) 4.She is thinking .........................................importing flowers from Viet Nam .( in / of / for / on ) 5. Could I help you .................................your luggage ? ( with / of / on / to )

2 câu trả lời


1. The room is cleaned everyday.

2. I won't be collected by John at the airport.

3. We are taught to speak English fluently by Mr Robinson.

4. Football is played all over the world.

5. Will she be invited to your party?


1. to

2. on

3. by

4. of

5. with 

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