*Hiện tại đơn +) The flowers are watered by me everyday -) The flowers aren't watered everyday ?) Are the flowers watered everyday? By whom are the flowers watered everyday? *Hiện tại Hoàn thành +) The homework has been done by John -) The homework hasn't been done by John yet ?) Has the homework been done yet? What has been done by John? * Quá khứ tiếp diễn +) Dinner was being cooked by my mother at 4pm yesterday -) Dinner was not being cooked by me at 4 pm yesterday ?) Was dinner being cooked at 5 pm yesterday? What time was dinner being cooked yesterday? Đổi thành câu chủ động giúp mink

2 câu trả lời

*Hiện tại đơn

+) The flowers are watered by me everyday

I water the flowers everyday 

-) The flowers aren't watered everyday

I don't water the flowers everyday 

?) Are the flowers watered everyday?

Are you water the flowers everyday?

By whom are the flowers watered everyday?


*Hiện tại Hoàn thành

+) The homework has been done by John

John has done the homework 

-) The homework hasn't been done by John yet

John hasn't done the homework yet.

?) Has the homework been done yet?

Has John done the homework yet?

What has been done by John?

The homework

* Quá khứ tiếp diễn

+) Dinner was being cooked by my mother at 4pm yesterday

My mother was cooking dinner at 4pm yesterday

-) Dinner was not being cooked by me at 4 pm yesterday

I was not cooking the dinner at 4pm yesterday

?) Was dinner being cooked at 5 pm yesterday?

Was somebody cooking the dinner at 5 pm yesterday?

What time was dinner being cooked yesterday?

At 4 pm.

*Hiện tại đơn

+)  I water the flowers everyday 

-)   I don't water the flowers everyday 

?)  Are you water the flowers everyday?

the flowers watered by me everyday

*Hiện tại Hoàn thành

+)  John has done the homework 

-)  John hasn't done the homework yet.

?) Has John done the homework yet?

The homeworkhas been done by John

* Quá khứ tiếp diễn

+)  My mother was cooking dinner at 4pm yesterday, 

-)  I was not cooking the dinner at 4pm yesterday

?) Was somebody cooking the dinner at 5 pm yesterday?

What time was dinner being cooked yesterday?At 4 pm.

Chúc bn hc tốt=))

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