Giúp mình với We must pay the bill at once.  The bill ___________________________________________________________ – Many people in the world speak English.  English ___________________________________________________________ – This question is difficult to understand  It’s ___________________________________________________________ – I will repair your bicycle tomorrow afternoon.  Your bicycle ___________________________________________________________ – “Don’t throw things away,” Miss Linda said to the students.  Miss Linda asked ___________________________________________________________ – Penicillin can cure many dangerous diseases.  Many ___________________________________________________________ – Does your country export rice to Britain?  Is rice ___________________________________________________________ ? – Clement clarke moore wrote the poem in 1823.  The poem___________________________________________________________ – Chirstmas cards should be sent a week befor christmas day.  You___________________________________________________________ – “We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children.  The children said___________________________________________________________ – Nobody has used this machine for years  This machine___________________________________________________________ – They use recycled plastic to make toys  Recycled___________________________________________________________ – She said to me, “turn off all the lights when you go out  She said ___________________________________________________________ – The last time I played tennis was in 1990.  I haven’t___________________________________________________________ – “ We are waiting for the school bus” said the children.  The children said___________________________________________________________ – I asked Nam “Are you free tonight?”  I asked Nam___________________________________________________________ – I would like you to help me move this table.  Do you mind ___________________________________________________________? – Mai keeps leaving her pen at home.  Mai is ___________________________________________________________ – Air travel is faster than any other kinds of transport.  Air travel is the___________________________________________________________ – It is a contest in which participants have to cook rice.  It is a rice-___________________________________________________________ – Does your country export rice to Britain?  Is ___________________________________________________________?

2 câu trả lời

The bill must be paid at once

English is spoken by many people in the world

It's difficult to understand this question

Your bicycle will be repaired tomorrow afternoon

Miss Linda asked the students not to throw things away

Many dangerous diseases can be cured by penicillin

Is rice exported to Britain by your country?

The poem was written by Clement clarke moore in 1823 

You should send christmas cards a week before Christmas day

The children said they are waiting for the school bus

This machine hasn't been used for years

Recycled plastic is used to make toys

She asked me to turn off all lights when I went out

I haven't played tennis since 1990

I asked Nam if he was free that night

Do you mind helping me move this table?

Air travel is the fastest kinds of transport.

It is a rice-cooking-contest

1/ the bill must be paid at once
2/many peple in the world speak english

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