Ex2: 1.This bicycle is 800:000VNĐ.That bicycle is 600:000VNĐ → The price............................................................................. 2. His car runs fast but a race car runs faster (as.....as) → His car....................................................................... 3.Mr.Phong teaches History. Mr.Ha teaches History (same subject) →Mr.Phong........................................................................ 4.I'm Vietnamese.She is Russian. (different) → My nationality................................................................. 5.She sings more beautifully than her sister. (as..........as) → Her sister............................................................ 6.This book is 10.000 . That book is 15.000 (as.............as) → That book.............................................................

2 câu trả lời

1.This bicycle is 800:000VNĐ.That bicycle is 600:000VNĐ
 → The price.......of this bicycle is more expensive than that one...................................
2. His car runs fast but a race car runs faster (as.....as)
 → His car.........doesn't run as fast as a race car..............................................................
3.Mr.Phong teaches History. Mr.Ha teaches History (same subject)
 →Mr.Phong.......teaches the same subject as mr ha .................................................................
4.I'm Vietnamese.She is Russian. (different)
 → My nationality...........is different from hers......................................................
5.She sings more beautifully than her sister. (as..........as)
 → Her sister.........doesn't sing as beautifully as she does...................................................
6.This book is 10.000 . That book is 15.000 (as.............as)
 → That book......isn't as expensive as that book.......................................................

1.->The price of this bicycle is more expensive than that bicycle
2.->His car doesn't run as fast as a race car.
3.->Mr.Phong teaches the same subject as Mr.Ha.
4.->My nationality is different from her nationality.
5.->Her sister doesn't sing as beautifully as her.
6.->That book is as expensive as this book.

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