Ex 4: Put the verbs in brackets in past simple or past continuous tense 1. I got to the supermarket just before it closed and (buy)………… milk 2. We invited Sarah to the party, but she (not come)………………………… 3. Jack lost his job because he (be)…………………….too irresponsible for his work. 4. Ted (listen)……………………..to music at half past seven yesterday night. 5. Everyone (know)……………………..that it was Bill’s fault, but nobody said anything. 6. Karen (take) …………………..the key from the coffee table and stormed out of the door. 7. At midnight, I (sleep)………………. , but Jane (do)……………..her assignment. 8. Luke (stand)……………outside the bank when suddenly two robbers (run)……….. past him. 9. I was bored, so Mum (take)…………….. me to a drama workshop with her. 10. Do you remember the time we (go)………………….to England on holiday.

2 câu trả lời

1. bought

2. didn't come

2. was

4. was listening

5. knew

6. took

7. was sleeping, was doing

8. was standing - ran

9. took

10. went

1, bought 

2, did not come 

3, was 

4, was listening 

5, knew 

6, took 

7, slept /did. 

8, was standing /ran 

9,took /went 

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