Ex 2: Read the passage and choose the correct answer Located in Southeast Asia, Singapore is one of the smallest countries in the world. In 2015, the population of Singapore is 5.6 million people which are even smaller than the population of many big cities such as London, New York … However, Singaporer is a multiracial and multicultural country with many diverse ethnic groups. This is why there are four official languages in Singapore including Chinese, Malay, Tamil and English. Every official language in Singapore is chosen to represent the major ethnic groups within the country. English is considered the main language; it is used in official documents, street signs, the educational system … In Singapore, students often learn English and one other official language. Most Singaporeans are bilingual. They can speak English in public and use their mother tongue at home. 1. Which of the following is FALSE about Singapore? A. Singapore had over five million residents in 2015. B. Singapore is located in the Middle East of Asia. C. Singapore is in the list of the world’s smallest countries. D. Singapore has less number of residents than New York does. 2. According to the writer, what is the result of having various ethnic groups? A. There are many races. B. There are several cultures. C. A and B are correct. D. A and B are incorrect. 3. According to the writer, what is the main purpose of the official language? A. To be used in big ethnic group. B. To be compared with another language. C. To introduce Singapore. D. To show that one ethnic group is big. 4. Which of the following is TRUE about languages in Singapore? A. Tamil is one of the main languages in Singapore. B. Any language in Singapore is considerd the official one. C. English is taught at Singaporean schools as the second language. D. Street signs in Singapore use Chinese. 5. Why are residents in Singapore called bilingual? A. Because they are taught English and another main language at school. B. Because they speak one language at home and another one in public. C. A and B are correct. D. A and B are incorrect.

2 câu trả lời




1. B
2. C

3. B
4. A

5. D

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