Ex 1: Fill the blanks with a/ an/ the 1. We have __ cat and ____ dog, _____ cat doesn’t get on well with ___ dog. 2. You can see ____ moon clearly in the Mid-Autumn festival. 3. He is ____famous actor. 4. My brother doesn’t like ____ present I gave him. 5. Where is ____ book I lent you last week? 6. My father works as ___ electrician. 7. Have you ever heard about ____ River Thames? 8. I want to travel around _____ world when I grow up. 9. Yesterday my mother had ______terrible headache. 10. Where are ____kids? They are playing outside. 11. Peter is ______most hard-working student I’ve ever known. 12. It is cold because_______heating systems is broken. 13. Did you buy _______pair of shoes yesterday? 14. _____Earth orbits around _______Sun. 15. She took ______hamburger and ____apple, but she didn’t eat ____apple. 16. A boy and a girl is arguing over there, I think I know _____boy. 17. My grandfather sent me _____letter and ____gift but I haven’t received________letter. 18. My mom is _____best mom in _____world. 19. Would you like________glass of water? 20. James offered me ________cup of coffee and _____piece of cake. _____cake is

2 câu trả lời

1. We have _a_ cat and __a__ dog, ___the__ cat doesn’t get on well with __the_ dog.

2. You can see __the__ moon clearly in the Mid-Autumn festival.

3. He is _a___famous actor.

4. My brother doesn’t like __the__ present I gave him.

5. Where is __the__ book I lent you last week?

6. My father works as _an__ electrician.

7. Have you ever heard about __the__ River Thames?

8. I want to travel around ___the__ world when I grow up.

9. Yesterday my mother had _a_____terrible headache.

10. Where are __the__kids? They are playing outside.

11. Peter is ___the___most hard-working student I’ve ever known.

12. It is cold because____the___heating systems is broken.

13. Did you buy ____a___pair of shoes yesterday?

14. ___The __Earth orbits around __the_____Sun.

15. She took ___a___hamburger and __an__apple, but she didn’t eat __the__apple.

16. A boy and a girl is arguing over there, I think I know _the____boy.

17. My grandfather sent me ___a__letter and _a___gift but I haven’t received_____the___letter. 

18. My mom is __the___best mom in __the___world.

19. Would you like____a____glass of water?

20. James offered me ___a_____cup of coffee and __a___piece of cake. ___the__cake is

1. a - a - the - the

2. the

3. a

4. the

5. the

6. an

7. the

8. the

9. a

10. the

11. the

12. the

13. a

14. the - the

15. a - an - the

16. the

17. a - a - the

18. the -the

19. a

20. a - a - the

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