D. WRITING I. Make up sentences using the words and phrases given Example: every year/ students/ many/ countries/ learn/ English. Every year students in many countries learn English. 1. USA/ enormous/ country/,/ more/ than/ 2 times/ the size/ of/ European Union/. 2. USA/ is/ land/ of/ extremes/./ It’s/ both/ one/ of/ hottest/ and/ coldest/ places/ world/. 3. about/ half/ of/ Australia’s population/ go/ to/ one/ of/ fantastic/ events/ on Australia Day/. 4. the/ other/ half/ of/ Australia’s population/ celebrate/ Australia Day/ home/ or/ beach/ with/ their/ family/ and/ friend/. 5. they/ have/ barbecues/ and/ they/ watch/ Australian of the Year Award/ television/. II. Rewrite the following sentences so that their meaning stays the same, using the words given. 1. I have one new American friend. At the first days, I didn’t understand what he asked me but now it’s OK. (found) 2. Have you made any friend from English speaking countries? (acquaintance) 3. Australians use English as their mother tongue so they are native speakers. (because) 4. Can you name the countries that speak English as their official language? (What) 5. New Zealand and Australia both have coasts around their countries. (surrounded) III. There are ten mistakes in this passage. Can you find and correct them? Research has show that over half the children in Britain who take their own lunches to school do not eat properly in the middle on the day. In Britain, schools have to provide meals at lunchtime. Children can chose to bring their own food or have lunch at the school canteen. One shocking finding of this research is that school meals are many healthier than lunches prepared by parents. There are strict standards for the preparation of school meals, which have to include one piece of fruit and one of vegetables, as well like meat, a dairy item and starchy food like bread or pasta. Lunchboxes examined by researchers contained sweet drinks, crisps and chocolate bar. Children consume twice as much sugar as they should at lunchtime. The research will provides a better understanding of why the percentage of overweight students in Britain have increased in the last decade. Unfortunately, the government cannot criticize parents, but it can remind them of the nutritional value of milk, fruit and vegetables. Small changes in their children’s diet can affect their future healthy. Children can easy develop bad eating habits at this age, and parents are the only ones who can prevent it.

1 câu trả lời


1.The USA is an enormous country, more than two times of European Union.

2.The USA is a land of extremes. It's one of the hottest and coldest place in the world.

3.About half of Australia's population go to one of the fantastic events on Australia day.

4.One of the half of Australia's population celebrate Australia day at home or at the beach with their family and friends.

5.They have barbecues and they watch Australian of the year award on television


1.I found it difficult to understand what my new American friend asked me on the first days but it's OK now.
2.Have you made the acquaintance of any people from English speaking countries?

3.Australians are native speakers because they use English as their mother tongue.

4.What countries speak English as their official language?

5.New Zealand and Australia are both surrounded by the sea.




2.the middle of



5.as well as






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