Chuyển câu sau thành câu bị động 1.My brother has sent me many letters. 2.I will show her my stamp collection. 3.They aways show the tourists the new theatre. 4.He has given us a difficult exercise. 5.The students offered the teacher some flowers. 6.She read me an interesting story. 7.Mr.Periez is teaching us French. 8.He was showing Mary some photos when I met them. 9.The examiner is giving the candidates a very difficult test. 10.Are you sure Peter can do it?

2 câu trả lời

1.I have been sent many letters by my brother.

2.She will be shown my stamp collection by me.

3.The tourists are aways shown the new theatre.

4.We has been given a difficult exercise by him.

5.The teacher was offered some flowers by the students.

6.I am read an interesting story by her.

7.We is being taught French by Mr.Periez.

8.Mary was being shown some photos by him when I met them.

9.The candidates is being given by the examiner a very difficult test.

10.Is Peter sured can do it? 

1, Many letters have been by my brother sent to me.

2, My stamp collection will be showed to her by me.

3, The new theatre always showed to the tourist by their.

4, A difficult exercise has been given to us by him.

5, Some flowers were offered to the teacher by the student.

6, An interesting story is read to me by her(Mik ko bt đây là thì gì nên mik đoán bn ra đề thiếu chữ "s" ở từ read nên mik nghĩ đây là thì hiện tại đơn, sai thì xin lỗi nha)

7, Frenche is being taught to us by Mr.Periez

8, Some photos were being showed to Mary by him when I met them.

9, A very difficult test is being gave to the candidates by the examiner.

10, (mik ko bt làm)


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