Choose the best answer to fill in the blank. 5. Please, open the window, ________ you? A. can't B. do C. might D. will 6. He was in a dark, high-ceilinged chamber into ________ only a little light filtered from a small grimy window at the top. A. which B. there C. that D. where 7. Terrified, Peter began without knowing where he ________. A. was going B. to go C. had gone D. went 8. It ________ the day before yesterday A. snows B. has snowed C. snowed D. was snowed 9. "Where is the library?" - "It's ________ your right." A. on B. by C. in D. at 10. "How many products did you sell?" - " ________ than we had expected." A. Lesser B. Less C. Fewer D. Few 11. It's not an easy task. However, please have him ________ it. A. to do B. do C. done D. doing 12. It's often difficult for a young child ________ clothes. A. put on B. putting on C. wearing D. to wear 13. My sister went ________ yesterday. A. shopped B. shopping C. to shop D. to shopping

2 câu trả lời

5. B

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. A




13. c

5. D

6. D

7. C

8. B

9. A

10. B

11. A

12. D

13. B

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