Choose a country you like and talk about it

2 câu trả lời

- Choose a country I like: Viet Nam

- Talk about Viet Nam:

Hi everybody! Today I'll tell you about a country I like. It's Viet Nam. 

Viet Nam has many things that I really like.

Viet Nam has many festivals to join in, such as: Chrismast, .... But Tet Holiday is the biggest festivals in Viet Nam. Tet Holiday is from the 1st to 3rd. Children can have their lucky money from the adult

Vietnamese people are very friendly and kind. They can help you many things if you come to Viet Nam. And that is one of many reasons that I like Viet Nam

Nowadays, We are developing many other things to make Vietnam more beautiful...

My favourite country is America. I had the opportunity to visit the US when I was 13. It is a big , well developed country. People in America are quite fat , because they like to eat fast food, where fast food store are alot. Traffic in the US is much more better than in Vietnam, there is a high way where you can drive up to 200km/h , and it's normal because rich people are everywhere. The education, everything is very good. That's why students in VN love to go to America to learn.

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