C. READING I. Read the following paragraph and complete it which one suitable word in each blank. I was very excited to know that I was going to Australia for a study tour (1) ……… four months. I didn’t think (2) …………… the problems of speaking English until I met my host family. At first, I couldn’t communicate (3) ………… them because my English was so bad. All the eight years I had been learning English wasn’t much used at all because we didn’t have real practice at school. Even (4) …………. my grammar was good, my pronunciation wasn’t. My problem is pronouncing “I’ and “n”. For (5) …………, I wanted to tell them that “I have lots of homework today,” but I said “I have nots of homework today,” so they misunderstood me. My host mum (6) ……….. me a lot by correcting my bad pronunciation. I usually practiced by talking to (7) …………… when I had a shower, so no one could hear me. After four months, my English was (8) …………. Better. Apart from English, I learnt to make my (9) ……….. breakfast and lunch. I had to ride a bicycle to school every day. I went swimming and tried sailing. Sometimes I also tried skiing. It was wonderful. But (10) ……….. most valuable thing was that I learnt to be by myself and to be independent. II. Read the text and answer the questions below In Canada and the United States, one of the most popular days in the year is Halloween. Halloween is on October 31st. It’s a day when some people dress up in strange or unusual costumes. For example, they may dress up to look like an animal, a person from a book or movie or a famous person from history. In some places, children go to school in their Halloween costumes. After dark, many young children put on their costumes and visit their neighbours. They knock on the door and shout “Trick or treat!”, then the neighbours give them some candy or chocolate, and the children go on to the next house. Adults also enjoy dressing up for Halloween. There are usually Halloween parties in the evening and usually there is a prize for the best or most unusual costume. 1. What is one of the most popular days in the year in Canada and the United States? 2. Who do some people dress up to look like on Halloween? 3. What do some children in some places in Canada and the United States wear when they go to school on Halloween? 4. What do many young children do in the Halloween’s evening? 5. What are usually there in the Halloween’s evening? III. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage. Ball Games It’s summer and a stadium in the USA is full (1) ……… 40,000 excited fans. Suddenly everyone stands up and sings the American (2) ………. anthem. The game between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox is going to (3) ………… soon. The game? Baseball of course! Modern baseball (4) ………… in the USA and the sport is an important part of American life. Traditionally people go to a game with all their family. It’s very (5) ………, sociable and noisy, and spectators eat, drink and sing during the game. The Yankees and the Red Sox are (6) ………… teams. There are also professional baseball leagues in Asia and Latin America. It’s an Olympic sport, too. In England, a few thousand supporters are sitting in the rain. There aren’t any players on the pitch. They’ll continue the match (7) …………… it stops raining. If it doesn’t stop, neither team will win or lose-it’ll be a draw. What’s the sport? Cricket! Although England is the (8) ……….. of cricket, the places where cricket is most popular are hot and sunny – Australia, South Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean. A cricket match (9) ………. for a long time – sometimes five days – and each day there are breaks for lunch and tea! However, now there is few, faster version of cricket called Twenty20. There’s pop music and the (10) ………. at the ground is more exciting. Some people think that Twenty20 will replace traditional cricket one day. 1. A. in B. on C. of D. up 2. A. national B. nation C. nationality D. nationally 3. A. have B. start C. show D. go 4. A. took B. started C. began D. originated 5. A. interested B. relaxing C. tired D. bored 6. A. profession B. professionally C. professional D. professionalize 7. A. unless B. where C. if D. Though 8. A. home B. place C. area D. house 9. A. carries B. takes C. makes D. lasts 10. A. air B. atmosphere C. feeling D. surroundings Help tớ vơi các cậu!

1 câu trả lời



1. for

2. about

3. with

4. though

5. example

6. helped

7. myself

8. much

9. own

10. the


1. In Canada and the United States, one of the most popular days in the year is Halloween.

2. Some people may dress up to look like an animal, a person from a book or movie or a famous person from history.

3. In some places, children go to school in their Halloween costumes.

4. Many young children put on their costumes and visit their neighbors. They knock on the door and shout "Trick or treat!", then the neighbors give them some candy or chocolate, and the children go on to the next house.

5. There are usually Halloween parties in the evening and usually there is a prize for the best or most unusual costume.

1. of

2. national

3. start

4. originated 

5. relaxing

6. professional

7. if

8. home

9. lasts

10. atmosphere

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