BẰNG TIẾNG ANH NHA Viết một đoạn văn ngắn (70 - 80 từ) về coronavirus - 19 bằng cách trả lời những câu hỏi sau: 1. coronavirus là gì? 2. Các triệu chứng của coronavirus là gì? 3. coronavirus có thể được ngăn chặn hoặc tránh? 4. Bạn nên/ không nên làm gì bây giờ?

2 câu trả lời

COVID-19, also known as new coronavirus - has dominated the recent headlines. Although it is spreading rapidly throughout parts of Asia and beyond, there are simple precautions you can take to reduce the risk of infection and transmission.

Symptoms may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. In more severe cases, the infection can cause pneumonia or difficulty breathing. Rarely, the disease can be fatal. These symptoms are similar to the flu (flu) or the common cold, much more common than COVID-19. This is why testing is needed to confirm if someone has COVID-19. It is important to remember that the precautions are the same - wash your hands often and clean your airways (cover your cough or sneeze with your elbow or bent tissue, then throw the tissue in closed container).

Although wearing a medical mask can help limit the spread of a number of diseases including COVID-19, it alone won't stop infection. Washing your hands and avoiding contact with people who are likely to be infected are the best ways to reduce the risk of infection.

Corona is a respiratory a virut. It has symptoms of high fever and cough . We can prevent it though medicine . You should wash your hands often and wear a mask .You should contact many people and you should not stay in croweded places

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