Bài tập 3. Write sentences using Do/ Would you mind if …? 1. Can I turn on the TV? Would you mind if_______________________? Do you mind if_____________________? * 1 điểm 2. Can I take a photo of your study corner?Would you mind if_____________________?Do you mind if_____________________? * 1 điểm 3. Shall I carry your luggage?Do you mind if_____________________?Would you mind if_____________________? * 1 điểm 4. Can I borrow your dictionary?Would you mind if_____________________?Do you mind if_____________________? * 1 điểm 5. Could I have a look at your homework?Do you mind if_____________________?Would you mind if_____________________? * 1 điểm Có ai bt làm hk làm giùm mình với

1 câu trả lời

1. I turned on the TV ; I turn on the TV

2. I took a photo of your study corner ; I take a photo of your study corner

3. I carry your luggage ; I carried your luggage

4. I borrowed your dictionary ; I borrow your dictionary

5. I had a look at your homework ; I have a look at your homework

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