Bài tập 1: về câu điều kiện loại 1 1. If we_________(to send) an invitation, our friends……….(to come) to our party 2. He ………..(not/to understand) you if you (to whisper) 3. They ……………(not/to survive) in the desert if they……………(not/to take) extra water wish them 4. If you ………….(to press) CTRL+S, you……….(to save) the file. 5. You …………..(to cross) the Channel if you ……………..(to fly) from Paris to London 6. Fred…………….(to answer) the phone if his wife ………………….(to have) a bath. 7. If Claire …………..(to wear) this dress at the party, our guests……………(not/to stay)any longer 8. If I …………….(to touch) this snake, my girlfriend…………………….(not/to scream) 9. She…………….(to forget) to pick you up if you ……………………..(not/to phone) her 10. I ……………..(to remember) you if you ………………..(to give) me a photo. Bài tập 2: câu điều kiện loại 2 1. If you…………..(to help) your grandma, I………….(to do) the shopping. 2. Andrew ……………..(to water) the flowers if he ……………(to stay) at home. 3. If she……………..(to have) 5 pounds more, she ……………..(to buy) herself this T-shirt. 4. If they…………….(to offer) me the job, I………………(to take) it. 5. You………………(to have) summer holidays from June till August if you ………….(to live) in the USA. 6. We………………(to sell) the bike for 20 Euros if Ron………………….(to repair) it. 7. If you…………….(to use) a pencil, the drawing……………(to be) perfect. 8. The childent……………(to be) happy if he …………………(to teach) the English. 9. If Ireen……………….(to visit) us, we…………(to go) out tonight. 10. They……………….(to come) again if he……………..(to plain) a second stay. Bài tập 3: câu điều kiện loại 3 1. If you………………….(to check) the car, it…………………(not/to break) down in the middle of the desert. 2. If it………………..(not/to rain), the childen………………..(to play) outside. 3. If my parents……………….(not/to be) so tired, they……………..(to watch) the film on TV 4. If she …………………(to buy) a new hard disk, she……………..(not/to lose) all data 5. If we…………………(to use) the town map, we………………..(not/to get) lost. 6. If Tom…………………(to eat) more salad. He………………(not/to catch) a cold. 7. If the police……………..(not/to stop) me, I……………………..(to reach) you in time 8. If his older brother………………….(not/to drive) so fast, he…………………………. (not/to crash) into the other the car. 9. If Fred………………(not/to cheat) at the test, his teacher………………….(not/to phone) his father 10. If I…………………(not/to switch off) the radio, I………………..(to know) about the second goal. Bài tập 4: Hoàn thành các câu sau với các từ ở trong ngoặc câu điều kiện loại 1 2 3 1. If we meet at 9:30, we________________(to have) plenty of time. 2. Lisa would find the milk if she________________(to look) in the fridge. 3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she ___________(to feed) the animals. 4. If you spoke louder, your classmate_______________(to understand) you. 5. Dan ___________(to arrive) safe if he drove slowly. 6. You ____________(to have) no trouble at school if you had done your homework. 7. If you_______________(to swim) in this lake, you’ll shiver from cold. 8. The door will unlock if you _______________(to press) the green button. 9. If Mel _________________(to ask) her teacher, he’d have answered her questions. 10. I ____________(to call) the office if I was/were you.

2 câu trả lời

1 will come

2. whisper

3. don't phone

4. will save

5. give

6. has

7. will be

8. won't scream

9. studies

10. doesn't hurry

11. see

12. will be

13. gives

14. won't pass

15. doesn't stop

16. gets

17. makes

18. washes

19. doesn't eat

20. don't finish

bài 1

1.send/will come

2.will not understand/whisper.

3.will not survive/do not take

4.press/will save

5.will cross/fly

6.will answer/has

7.wears/will not stay

8.touch/will not scream.

9.will forget/do not phone

10.will remember/give
bài 2

  1. If you helped your grandma, I would do the shopping.

  2. Andrew would water the flowers if he stayed at home.

  3. If she had 5 pounds more, she would buy herself this T-shirt.

  4. If they offered me the job, I would take it.

  5. You would have summer holidays from June till August if you lived in the USA.

  6. We would sell the bike for 20 euros if Ron repaired it.

  7. If you used a pencil, the drawing would be perfect.

  8. The children would be happy if he taught them English.

  9. If Ireen visited us, we would go out tonight.

  10. They would come again if he planned a second stay
    bài 3

    1. If you had checked the car, it would not have broken down in the middle of the desert.

    2. If it had not rained , the children would have played outside.

    3. If my parents had not been so tired, they would have watched the film on TV.

    4. If she had bought a new hard disk, she would not have lost all data.

    5. If we had used the town map, we would not have got lost.

    6. If Tom had eaten more salad, he would not have caught a cold.

    7. If the police had not stopped me, I would have reached you in time.

    8. If his older brother had not driven so fast, he would not have crashed into the other car.

    9. If Fred had not cheated at the test, his teacher would not have phoned his father.

    10. If I had not switched off the radio, I would have known about the second goal
      bài 4

      1. If we meet at 9:30, we will have plenty of time.

      2. Lisa would find the milk if she looked in the fridge.

      3. The zookeeper would have punished her with a fine if she had fed the animals.

      4. If you spoke louder, your classmates would understand you.

      5. Dan would arrive safe if he drove slowly.

      6. You would have had no trouble at school if you had done your homework.

      7. If you swim in this lake, you'll shiver from cold.

      8. The door will unlock if you press the green button.

      9. If Mel had asked her teacher, he'd have answered her questions.

      10. I would call the office if I was/were you.
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