A. Fill in the blank with one of the given words: solve, quality, support, become a reality, role, technological 1. We received a lot of __________ from our teacher in doing this research. 2. Science and technology has helped increase the ____________ of our life. 3. The government need to give out some solutions to ___________ the problem of overpopulation. 4. I think my wish to explore outer space will ___________ someday. 5. What is the _________ of computers in education? 6. We can't work effectively without ___________ devices. B. Choose the best answer. 1. Please provide us with _____ information. A. enormous B. precise C. wrong 2. Science and technology are the keys to development in so many _____. A. field B. subjects C. fields 3. Could you tell me some ______ effects of science and technology on economic development? A. much B. enormous C. high 4. New machines are being used to increase the _____ of crops in our farm this year. A. yield B. number C. order 5. People have _____ a lot from the invention of computers. A. different B. benefited C. known Mọi người giúp mình với ạ!!! Nếu đc thì cảm ơn nhìu lém nha!! :D

2 câu trả lời

A -

1 . support

2 . quality

3 . solve

4 . become a reality

5 . role

6 . technological

B -

1 . B

2 . C

3 . B

4 . A

5 . B


A. Fill in the blank with one of the given words:                                                                                               
   1. We received a lot of ___support ( ủng hộ )_______   from our teacher in doing this research.
   2. Science and technology has helped increase the  _____ quality ( chất lượng )_______   of our life.
   3. The government need to give out some solutions to _____solve ( giải quyết )______   the problem of overpopulation.
   4. I think my wish to explore outer space will ____become a reality ( thành sự thật ) _______  someday.
   5. What is the ____role ( ở đây có thể hiểu là vai trò )_____   of computers in education?                                                                                                                                                                                        
   6. We can't work effectively without _____ technological ( công nghệ )______   devices.                                                                                
                                                                                                                                                                                       B. Choose the best answer.
   1. Please provide us with _____ information.
         A. enormous                                 B. precise       ( chính xác )                             C. wrong
    2. Science and technology are the keys to development in so many _____.
         A. field                                            B. subjects                                     C. fields    ( lĩnh vực)                            
    3. Could you tell me some ______ effects of science and technology on economic development?
         A. much                                          B. enormous  ( to lớn )                              C. high
    4. New machines are being used to increase the _____ of crops in our farm this year.
        A. yield   ( sản lượng )                                         B. number                                      C. order
    5. People have _____ a lot from the invention of computers.
        A. different                                     B. benefited    ( được lợi )                               C. known      

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