2. Complete the dialogue using the words in the box. like dark excellent Who What good-looking Loan: Hello, Hoa. Hoa: Hi, Loan. Where were you last Sunday? Loan: I went to Ha Long Bay. Hoa: Who did you go with? Loan: With some of my classmates and Paul. Hoa: ____ (1)____ is Paul? Loan: One of my friends. He’s from France. Now he’s studying at the United Nations International School of Ha Noi Hoa: ____ (2)____ does he look like? Loan: He is ____ (3)____ , with ____ (4)____ hair and big brown eyes. He is very friendly. Hoa: Can he speak English? Loan: His English is____ (5)____ ! Hoa: Really? I hope to see him one day. I ____(6)___ talking to him in English. 3. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not) adjective + enough. Example: He is strong. He can carry the box. He is strong enough to carry the box. a) The weather wasn’t very warm. We couldn’t go swimming. b) He wasn’t very experienced. He couldn’t do the job. c) The ladder wasn’t very long. It didn’t reach the window. d) The tea isn’t strong. It won’t keep us awake. e) The fire isn’t very hot. It won’t boil the kettle. f) The ice is quite thick. We can walk on it. g) It wasn’t very warm. We couldn’t sit in the garden. 4. Complete each of the following sentences using enough as an adjective (before nouns) or adverb (after adjective) with one of the words in the box. strong experience old chairs warm money cups experienced time well room big qualifications Examples: * Bob can’t drive because he is not………………. Bob can’t drive because he is not old enough. * I’d like to go on holiday but I haven’t got……………….. I’d like to go on holiday but I haven’t got enough money. a) There weren’t…………… for everyone to sit down. b) The little boy is not……………… to lift the suitcase. c) Nam didn’t finish the exam because he didn’t have d) Smith didn’t feel ……………. to go to work this morning. e) It ‘s only a small car, so there isn’t ……………. for all of us. f) Do you think I’ve got ……………. to apply for the job. g) Try this jacket on and see if it’s ………………………. for you. h) She couldn’t make coffee for everybody because there weren’t i) He wasn’t…………….. for the job. j) Are you……………. …or shall I switch on the heating? k) Steve didn’t get the job because he didn’t have 5. Fill in each gap in the following sentences with a word from the box. doing meet pleasure introduce allow like before excuse let myself a) May I ________ myself? b) How do you do? I don’t think we’ve met ________ . c) Hello.How are you ________ ? d) Allow me to introduce ________ . My name’s George Mallows, a friend of Sally. e) ________ me, my name is Phuong Dieu Linh. d) I’d like you to ________ Ann Parker. e) ________ me to introduce my teacher, Ms Hoang Nga. f) I’d like you to ______ Ann Parker. g) ________ me to introduce my teacher, Ms Hoang Nga. h) i ‘d ________ to introduce my team leader, Thanh Nam. Hello! Tom,_______________ me introduce my fellow student, Wyne. j) It is great________________ that I introduce my school principal, Mr. Tran Anh.

2 câu trả lời

2. Complete the dialogue using the words in the box.







3. Combine each of the following pairs of sentences into one sentence, using (not) adjective

a.The weather wasn’t warm enough for us to go swimming

b.He wasn’t experiences enough to do the job

c.The ladder wasn’t long enough to reach the window

d.The tea isn’t strong enough to keep us awake

e.The fire isn’t hot enough to boil the kettle

f.The ice is thick enough for us to walk on it

g.It wasn’t warm enough for us to sit in the garden

4. Complete each of the following sentences using enough as an adjective (before nouns) or adverb (after adjective) with one of the words in the box.

a.enough chairs

b.strong enough

c.enough time

d.well enough

e.enough room

f.enough qualifications

g.big enough

h.enough cups

i.experienced enough

j.warm enough

k.enough experience

5. Fill in each gap in the following sentences with a word from the box.

















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