1.If Mary _____ (have) enough money, she'll come with us on vacation. 2.I _____ (make) some coffee if you boil some water. 3.If you _____ (work) hard, you'll finish the project in time. 4.Unless he _____ (be) late, we'll meet at six o'clock. 5.If I tell you a secret, ______ (you promise) not to tell anyone? 6.She _____ (not attend) unless he makes the presentation. 7.If Joe cooks dinner, I _____ (make) dessert. 8.Jane _____ (play) the violin if you ask her nicely. 9.Our children won't eat vegetables if they _____ (not have) orange juice. 10.If David _____ (not be) late, we will make the decision soon. Conditional 2 Worksheet 1.If he _____ (work) more, he would finish in time. 2.They would do well on the test if they _____ (study) more. 3.If I _____ (be) you, I would run for president! 4.Mary _____ (buy) a new jacket if she had enough money. 5.If Jason flew to New York, he _____ (visit) the Empire State Building. 6.We _____ (take) a break, if our boss weren't so nervous today. 7.If Sally _____ (go), she wouldn't return! 8.Alan wouldn't know if you _____ (ask) him. 9.Jennifer _____ (refer) you for the position if she thought you were qualified. 10.Alison wouldn't help them if they _____ (not ask) for help. Conditionals 1 & 2 Mixed Worksheet 1.If she knows the time, she _____ (come) to the meeting. 2.She _____ (attend) the meeting if she had the time. 3.Peter _____ (say) yes if you ask him. 4.Unless he _____ (finish) soon, we won't be able to come. 5.If he _____ (be) president, he would invest more in education. 6.What _____ (you do) if you were president? 7.She _____ (fly) Northwest Airlines if she has a choice. 8.If I _____ (think) I could do it, I would do it! 9.Alan would invite Mary if it _____ (be) his party. 10.She won't marry Peter if he _____ (ask) her. EXTRA CONDITIONALS : TYPE II I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. 1. If I ................................. his address I'd give it to you. KNOW 2. He ................................. a lot better if he shaved more often. LOOK 3. If he worked more slowly he ............................. so many mistakes. NOT MAKE 4. More tourists would come to this country if it ........................ a better climate. HAVE 5. I .............................shares in that company if I had some money. BUY 6. If I ......................... a big prize I ............................... up my job. WIN GIVE 7. If someone ....................... you a helicopter, what would you do with it ? GIVE 8. I .......................... ruined if I ............................. her everything she wants. BE BUY 9. What .................... you ................. if you found a burglar in your house ? DO 10. What ................. she ...................... if I proposed to her ? SAY 11. If you ................ more sense you ....................... out with this guy. HAVE NOT GO 12. If I ................. a lot of money I ....................... champagne with every meal. HAVE DRINK 13. If only we ......................... a light ! It's terrible to sit in darkness. HAVE 14. If I were sent to prison, ...................... you ...................... me ? VISIT 15. I ............................ this wine if I ................................ you. NOT DRINK BE 16. If I .................... you I ............................ there by myself. BE NOT GO II. Rewrite the sentences, using IF - constructions. e.g. She is very busy, that's why she doesn't go out very often If she weren't so busy she would go out more often. 1. He doesn't take any exercise, that's why he is so fat. 2. She is very shy, so she doesn't go to parties. 3. My phone number isn't in the directory, so people don't ring me up. 4. I have no dog so I'm often afraid at night. 5. I don't know his address so I can't write to him. 6. I haven't much free time so I read very little. 7. They don't clean the windows so the room looks rather gloomy. 8. People drive very fast so there are many road accidents. III. Finish or complete the sentences. 1. If you changed your job ................ 2. If we bought a house in the country ...................... 3. What ......................... if he proposed to you ? 4. What would happen if ......................................... 5. How would he react if ......................................... 6. If you helped me ................................................... 7. Even if he were rich and handsome ................................ mọi người giúp em vs ạ xin cảm ơn

1 câu trả lời

Conditional 1 Worksheet


2.will make



5.Will you promise

6.won't attend

7.will make

8.will play

9.don't have


Conditional 2 Worksheet

1. worked



4.would buy

5.would visit

6. would take



9.would refer

10.didn't ask

Conditionals 1 & 2 Mixed Worksheet

1.will come

2.would attend

3.will say

4. finishes

5. were (was cũng được, nhưng were đúng hơn)

6. would you do

7.will fly





I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1. knew

2.would look

3.wouldn't make


5. would buy

6. won/would give up


8.would be/bought

9.would you do

10.would she say

11.had/wouldn't go

12.had/could drink

13. had

14. Would you visit

15. wouldn't drink/ were

16. were/ wouldn't go

II. Rewrite the sentences, using IF - constructions.

1. If he took exercise, he wouldn't be so fat

2. If she were confident, she would go to the parties

    hoặc: If she weren't shy, she would go to the parties

3. If my phone number was in the directory, people would ring me up

4. If I had dog, I wouldn't be often afraid at night

5.If I knew his address, I could write to him

6. If I had much free time, I could read very much

7. If they cleaned the windows, the room wouldn't look rather gloomy

8. If people didn't drive very fast, there weren't many road accidents

III. Finish or complete the sentences.

1. ...,you would be very hard to find a new one

2. ...,we would have a relax and peaceful life when we get older

3. What would you do

4. ..., there was a thief in your house?

5. ...if she showed her love to him?

6.. ..., I would give you 1000 dollars

7. ..., I would never accept him to be my boyfriend

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