18. A new hospital/ been/ build/ Covid-19 patients / local volunteers. * 5 điểm A. A new hospital by local volunteers have been built for Covid-19 patients. B. A new hospital have been built for Covid-19 patients by local volunteers. C. A new hospital has built for Covid-19 patients by local volunteers. D. A new hospital has been built for Covid-19 patients by local volunteers. 19. Their/ complaints/ should/ send/ the head office/. * 5 điểm A. Their complaints should send to the head office. B. Their complaints should be sent to the head office by people. C. Their complaints should be sent to the head office. D. Their complaints to the head office should be sent. 20. Getting together/ crowded places/ ban/ everywhere/ Vietnam/ now/ * 5 điểm A. Getting together are being banned in crowded places everywhere in Vietnam now. B. Getting together in crowded places is being banned everywhere in Vietnam now. C. Getting together in crowded places everywhere in Vietnam is banning now. D. Getting together in crowded places are being banned everywhere in Vietnam now.

2 câu trả lời

`18.` `D` (Một bệnh viện mới đã được xây dựng cho bệnh nhân Covid-19 bởi các tình nguyện viên địa phương.)

`19. `C` (Các khiếu nại của họ nên được gửi đến trụ sở chính.)

`20. `D` (Một bệnh viênh mới đang xây dựng cho bệnh nhân bị tình huống covid - 19

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