11. “We should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic,” he said. A. He told we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. B. He said we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. C. He said we had to support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. D. He said me we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic. 12. He said: “It is our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government.” A. He said that it was our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. B. He said that it is our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. C. He said that it was our responsibility and followed the instructions of the government. D. He told it was our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government. 13. “My daughter wrote a letter to the soldiers yesterday,” she said. A. She said her daughter had written a letter to the soldiers the day before. B. She told her daughter to write a letter to the soldiers the day before. C. She told her daughter wrote a letter to the soldiers the day before. D. She told me her daughter had written a letter to the soldiers yesterday. 14. “Wear a face mask when you are with many people,” my mother said to me. A. My mother told me wear a face mask when I am with many people. B. My mother told me wore a face mask when I was with many people C. My mother told me to wear a face mask when I was with many people. D. My mother said me to wear a face mask when I am with many people.

2 câu trả lời

11. B. He said we should support medical staff and soldiers in the fight against the pandemic.

12.B. He said that it is our responsibility to follow the instructions of the government.

13.A. She said her daughter had written a letter to the soldiers the day before.

14.D. My mother said me to wear a face mask when I am with many people.

11. B

12. A

13. A

14. A

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