10. They’ve lived in Dien Khanh…………………2000. A. from B. in C. since D. for 11. When she was a little girl, she used to ……………………. her father’s advice. A. listen B. to listen C. listen to D. listening to 12.His parents are always proud ………………………. him. A. about B. of C. on D. with Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others: 13. A. mobile B. socket C. enroll D. notice 14. A. ought B. bought C. drought D. brought II. Do as directed in brackets: (2ms) 1. Nam has studied English …………….….. 2007. (Fill in the missing word) 2. She /hate/play/computer games/all day. (Make complete sentence) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.“Lend him your dictionary for a moment, Lan ”, I said. (Change into reported speech) .............................................................................................. 4. Lan hasn’t met him for two years. (Make question with “How long”) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… III. Answer the questions: (1m) 1. How do you learn new words? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. What chores do you often do to help your parents? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2 câu trả lời


10. since

11. listen

12. about

13. notice

14. bought

II. Do as directed in brackets

1. Nam has studied English in 2007.

2. She hate playing computer games all day.

3. Lan said: "Lend him your dictionary for a moment"

4. How long has Lan not seen him?

III. Answer the questions

1. How do you learn new words?

+ Use New Words

+ Read Every Day

+ Learn Roots

+ Use a Thesaurus

+ Develop Practical Vocabulary

+ Learn New Words Every Day

+ Look up Words You Don’t Know

+ Keep a Journal

+ Identify Empty Words

+ Diversify Your Reading List

+ Do Word Puzzles

+ Try Word Board Games

+ Practice New Words in Divergent Ways


2. What chores do you often do to help your parents?

+ Sweep the floor

+ Clean the table

+ Clean the bedroom

+ Take the dog for a walk ...


10, since

11, A. listen

12,A. about

13,D. notice

14,B. bought


1, since

2, She hate playing computer games all day.

3, mk ko bt

4, mk ko bt



+Learning vocabulary in separate columns ...

+After studying, you cannot review or use it. ...

+Learning without emotion. ...

+Learning at the right level ...

+Set goals when learning. ...

+Learn vocabulary associated with emotions. ...

+Use words immediately. ...

+Repeat the word several times.


sweep the floor, clean the table, clean the bedroom, take the dog for a walk, ...

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