1. We ________ to each other since we left school. A.not have written B. didn’t wrote C. haven’t wrote D. haven’t written 6 2. The word “………………..” which comes from Chinese means “big wind”. A. thunderstorm B. typhoon C. hurricane D. tornado 3. Hue will have temperatures ……………….200C and 250C A. between B. at C. with D. among 4. Minh doesn’t like listening to music on the way to school, ………………? A. did he B. doesn’t he C. does it D. does he 5. In many secondary schools in Vietnam, wearing school……………is compulsory. A. material B. cloth C. uniform D. color 6. They asked me ………………I lent them some money. A. if B. whether C. or D. A&B 7. The people ……………live next door keep having all night parties. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose 8. Tomatoes should ______ in the spring. A. plant B. be planting C. to be planted D. be planted 9. The librarian asked us ______ so much noise. A. don’t make B. to not make C. to make D. not to make 10. We feel _______ that all of you will get good marks in this test. A. hopeful B. bored C. sorry D. disappointed

2 câu trả lời

1 . D

2 . C

3 . A

4 . D

5 . C

6 . D

7 . B

8 . D

9 . D

10 . A

1. D

2. B

3. A

4. D

5. C

6. D

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. A

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