1) The longest fish in the contest was eighteen inches long"."It__by. a) was catching b) caught c) was caught d) catch 2) I heard you decided to take up tennis"."Yes, I___tennis every day". a) been played b) play c) playing d) played 3) We're still looking for Thomas"."Hasn't he___yet?". a) been found b) to find c) found d) being found 4) Diana is a wonderful ballet dancer"."She___since she was four". a) has dancing b) has danced c) is dancing d) was danced 5) What a beautiful dress you're wearing!""Thanh you. It___especially for me by a French tailor". a) is made b) has made c) made d) was made 6) Those colorful eggs___in Russia. a) were painted b) were paint c) were painting d) painted GIUP MINH VOI A , LAM CHINH XAC NHA , MINH CAM ON NHIEU.

2 câu trả lời

1. c

2. b

3. a

4. b

5. d

6. a

1. C
5. D
6. A

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