1. I like to speak English to people from…………. countries.(Differ) 2. Speaking English with correct ……………………..is difficult.( PRONOUNCE) 3 Hoa has made lots of…………………………… in her learning English. (.IMPROVE ) 4. Singlish is an………………………………… of Singaporean English.( ABBREVIATE) 5. I'm learning English to join an …………………………..summer camp.( NATION

2 câu trả lời

1. I like to speak English to people form ___different___ countries.

2. Speaking English with correct ___pronunciation___ is difficult.

3. Hoa has made lots of ___improvements___ in her learning English.

4. Singlish is an ___abbreviation___ of Singaporean English.

5. I'm learning English to join an ___national___ summer camp.

Cho mk câu trl hay nhất nhé.

1. different

2. pronounciation

3. improvements

4. abbreviation

5. international

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